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  • So you can use either fresh cactus skins or dried chips, whatever you do dont grind the chunks up- leave them whole.

    Step1: Add cactus chunks to water and simmer for a while (lets say 1-3 hours) .You can also squeeze lemon juice into water to help with extraction but this is optional.
    Step2: Filter out and save the cactus chunks - Put the chunks in the freezer and freeze them. Save the liquid that you filtered in a seperate container.
    step3: Thaw the frozen chunks and simmer again with new water and filter out the chunks again. Take the filtered liquid and add it to the previously saved liquid.

    Repeat these steps until the cactus chunks no longer taste bitter which means you have extracted as much as possible.

    Final step is take the liquid you have saved and evaporate the water- You'll be left with a resin and possibly crystals that can be scraped up and put into gel caps.
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