
I am an active smoker, who enjoys my medication. I have had several major injuries and surgeries. I have lived through some traumatic events which has left my body with bolts, pins and screws. I live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, and chronic pain. One line of depression in my family. I have been prescribed to every pain-killer, anti-depressant, Anti-Anxiety, and ADD/ADHD medications you can imagine. Nothing helps me more the marijuana. I can accomplish more tasks, with-out pain or anxiety. I can run and bike. I can Surf again, and snowboard. My life has a HIGHER (no pun intended) quality, when I use Marijuana than ever before. I don't drink alcohol, don't like to not be in control. My mind is clear and functional on Marijuana. However, if I am caught using my medication, I go to jail, do not pass go, or collect $200.
Energy Managment Engineer




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