Recent content by Ikaika

  1. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    this is the second time youve said this ganja farmer is totally marlon asher, not J boog :P
  2. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    Ho shit that Haze looks amazing
  3. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    yeah I ended up hitching a ride in the back of my friends truck over to kona when it was there and staying in a friends condo crazy shit
  4. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    BI haha it wont let me make a post with 2 letters
  5. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    Now I KNOW you guys gonna be at the Bob Fest & Agricultural Fair this weekend. Says first annual but I remember Bobfests in Hilotown ever since I can remember down bayfront.
  6. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    Anyone watch BJ get his ass beat tonight? Was depressing to watch. In other news. My babies are a good 4-5 inches now.
  7. Ikaika

    oddly, this site doesnt seem to have a pm option, just a visitor message :S

    oddly, this site doesnt seem to have a pm option, just a visitor message :S
  8. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    Don't worry, your suggestion is exactly what I meant. Thanks ah
  9. Ikaika

    Hawaii Growers

    Howzit everyone, Another Puna boy reppin here cheehee I've never grown before, looking to start a small little operation to keep myself & my boys fresh stocked with herb My parents grew on this property for years before I was born, my Mom was actually the first house in Paradise Park almost 50...