Recent content by ilkhan

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    That always pushed my buttons. "I'm in the northern half of California so I must be from Northern California," Wrong! If it wasn't for our water right we would already be another state. I still hold a grudge.
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    The Bay Area is only Northern California to those who live in the Bay Area. Real Northern Californians don't claim you. Your not from Jefferson State. Your central California a whole other state as far as Northen California is concerned. Here I'll make it easy for you. Northern California is...
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    2012 Libertarian Candidate

    A fat lot of good electing a PhD in Constitutional Law did us. Why not try electing someone who actually believes what the constitution says and votes that way consistantly. Community organizer indeed. Ron Ran in '88 as a libertarian he learned some valuable lessons from the experiance. Like...
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    Jobs Report A Sign Of Things To Come

    The more money they create the poorer you will become. = FACT Notice soup cans lately? Smaller then they used to be. That is inflation. Learn to love 40% food price increases annually. We don't need term limits what we need is principled people with integrity and knowledge of why America WAS...
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    Obama's Iran-Contra?

    Remember a year or so ago they were saying "Oh the mexican drug gangs are getting there guns from our gun shows and stores." I am so pleased the ATF agents came forward with this info. Its almost a shame those agents will lose their jobs when they dismantle the ATF. Then we can dismantle the DEA...
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    Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

    Maybe if his little woman gets into power he can run his clinics from coast to coast on the federal dime wont that be great!
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    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Its not that he is Pro-Pot. Its that he is Pro-freedom and Anti-force and violence. He believes that if YOU do not have the right to kill, maim, steal or plunder and if We The People formed the Government then that Government can not do what we ourselves can not do. Governments are not gods.
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    A HuffPo piece on why Dems who are against war and for civil liberties should vote 4

    Also Ron Paul has a consistant voteing record on these topics. Even if you don't agree with his stance on this or that he has proven consistancy and belief in the constitution. It breaks my heart seeing people cought up in the Left/Right BS when there is no real diffrence. If your anything...
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    Obongo backtracks on Marijuana

    Elect your county Sheriff they can eject the FEDS from the county for violating Local and State laws. Make the FEDs present the warrent to the Sheriff every time the FEDs try to serve one. Your Sheriff is the highest elected Law enforcment agent in the country. Sheriffs have considerably more...
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    The End Of The Space Program/Giving Space to China?

    Privatize Nasa. Sell it let the people who want to get to all that H3 buy stock. This will make space flight cheaper and more targeted.
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    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Ok Liberals and Progressives We have a golden opportunity to cut off the neo-con wing of the Republican Party. This election isn't about re-electing a president its about saying what we do not want. We don't want these wars we don't want a president who has unilateral power to declare war...
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    Cnbc "Ron-Paul-a-Holics"

    Bring the troops home, President Paul can and will do that. Stop funding every tin pot dictator around the world, President Paul can do that. He could end corprate welfare let them sink or swim, proping them up only perpetuates the problems with them. As for not bailing out buisness causing a...
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    I'll Think About Voting For Obama When....

    To many people are afraid of the world. Hence the Patriot Act and the overseas adventurism, we have to make the world safe for all you cowards. (nice imagery RJ839) When the Chinese are over here (they or someone like them will be) will you fight them? No you will beg them for this and that...
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    Did anyone hear Pakistan threatening us in a speech?

    WWIII seems inevitable, infact I believe we are in it already. The US will paint itself into a corner economicly. China will buy up as much of the worlds valuable resources. (as they are already doing) Iraq war: secure oil and move bases out of Saudi Arabia. (Saudis didn't like foriegn troops on...
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    Bernanke's first ever press speech (video)

    NoDrama is correct. Keynsianism=Fail. When priced in our old silver coins like the 1964 silver dime Gas is at about 10 cents right now. That is why we need competing currencies. Have the treasury begin coining and distributing silver coins agian. You want to make money from a depresion dump the...