Recent content by Illinois*Grower*309

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    Bud growth question from a first time grower

    im through 4 weeks of flower and hve 4 weeks left to go. my question is how much should i expect the buds to grow in the final 4 weels?
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    Question on lighting nedd help please!

    Im under a 400 watt mh rite now. Its all I had but they are doing great for all the bad rap every lone gives them
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    Question on lighting nedd help please!

    OOkay so I jus finished the 4th week of flower and my step dad came over today and gave me his old light. Its a 400 watt mh ericson indrustial bay light. My question is if I add this to my grow area will this give me a better yeild or jus cost me extra money on my power bill?
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    my first grow with pics end of week 3 flower!!! looking great!!!

    One more thing, im running under a 400 watt mh with soil from my hydroponics store along with nectar for the gods nutes.
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    my first grow with pics end of week 3 flower!!! looking great!!!

    This is my first grow so idk yet. I got 3 different pot sizes to gauge wat they'll yield so I can choose what to do on my next run. But here are some other pictures I have
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    my first bud pictures ever!!!! how do they look

    And yea I can't believe I didn't catch that typo lol sorry black folks my bad!
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    my first bud pictures ever!!!! how do they look

    I gotta 400w mh im using Oregon organic soil with nectar of the gods nutes. There are 8 plants but half of them are in 16 ooz party cups. The light is as close as I can get it with burn (I think)
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    my first bud pictures ever!!!! how do they look

    Purple diesel and im gunna keep them in the cup to see what the yield compared to the nigger pots
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    my first bud pictures ever!!!! how do they look

    How are they looking for 18 days of flower. These are my first ever buds I've grown!!
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    whats the best best light and ballast on the market

    Im looking to buy my my first 1000 hps light and want to know what you guys think is the best one to invest in
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    In which week of flower should I see tricome production on my buds?
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    help!!! spider mites!!!

    What can I use and how do I use it to get rid of spider mites??? Please help!!!!
  13. I

    Day 10 of flower hows she lookin

    how it looking for day ten of flower. This is my first time flower btw