Recent content by Indyz_nugs

  1. Indyz_nugs

    There are more than 2 Human Sexes

    This is not new evidence. Hermies have been around forever, they're just very few and very far between because they're 'freaks of nature' for lack of a better term. I have had plants in the past turn hermie because they were too stressed out durin one period of growth and switched hormones. That...
  2. Indyz_nugs

    Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

    Hey, I'm a Christian and I smoke a bunch of weed. I don't drink often, and almost never get drunk, just not my thing. I have psychedelic and spiritual experiences from time to time with mushrooms, mescaline, or LSD, but always pray going into it that He will reveal something to me that will be...
  3. Indyz_nugs

    There are more than 2 Human Sexes

    LMAOOOO I want to be a two headed person! Is there a surgery for that?
  4. Indyz_nugs

    There are more than 2 Human Sexes

    Being tolerant and kind to those who don't see eye to eye is a greater quality, I think, than feeling wronged when someone doesn't agree. I am not offended by any type of new information, I just don't care. "Live and let live." I do what I think is right, you do you, and as long as we are not...
  5. Indyz_nugs

    We can be nicer

    Dude, I just joined about 20 minutes ago. I'm not sure how I got to this post, but I'm sure glad to see it. Appreciate the kindness, keep being aweome!
  6. Indyz_nugs

    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    also like @TraeNOK said, Co2 is great if you're going with HPS lighting. The plant only uses Co2 to expedite growth IF receiving too much light. so, unless you're using HPS AND Co2, it is unnecessary to seal the room. This, of course, is only if you have a handle on bug infestation...
  7. Indyz_nugs

    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    Using LED's will keep heat and costs much lower than the alternatives (MH/HID/HPS). There are some great lights out there for under a grand with a veg/bloom switch on the light itself to give the plant more red or blue spectrum depending on the stage. 20W-30W of light per square foot is adequate...