Recent content by infowarrior

  1. infowarrior

    Shitty insects eating my shit!

    I wanna post some pics but it wont let me! Used a digital camera and think the mb's are too high. Is there any way I can get around this prob to post pics??
  2. infowarrior

    Shitty insects eating my shit!

    95% sure its not catapillers cause ive checked all over grow area, cant see anything. I'll try to get a photo posted tomorrow.
  3. infowarrior

    Shitty insects eating my shit!

    Couple of holes in leaves of one of my plants. Rest are fine. What type of pest does this sound like and what cure would be nesessary (preferably organic). Cheers.
  4. infowarrior

    Best pest deterrent ever!!!!

    I'm after ladybugs. Where you get them, on what plants do they live on in the wild??
  5. infowarrior

    Most Powerful Organic Fertilzers?

    I was thinking about just getting a big bucket or one of them big plastic bins and pouring in some blood & bone mix and leaving it, but the problem is guessing the ammount as its only supposed to be used on the top of soil.
  6. infowarrior

    Bio Biz.

    Anyone know much about this stuff?? Certain sources swear by this stuff. What's it like, anyone??
  7. infowarrior

    Most Powerful Organic Fertilzers?

    Yes, I want to make a tea out of my blood & bone meal but theres no directions for this (amounts to mix etc) on the box. It just says you put on the top of soil. I think its because the bone will not dissolve very well. The particles of bone in it are very small so I'm just gonna try it...
  8. infowarrior

    Most Powerful Organic Fertilzers?

    I've bought a box of blood & bone meal today. Was thinking of mixing wormcastings in with that to boost up the nitrogen for veg. Does that sound like a good mix of organic fert??
  9. infowarrior

    Most Powerful Organic Fertilzers?

    I'm looking for the highest nitrogen content for vegetive, and the highest phosforous & potassium for flowering. Just peoples opinoins on their favourites, plus price is an issue so looking for cheap ones.