Recent content by injinji

  1. injinji

    What Are You Listening To?

  2. injinji


    These guys are pretty good. They should have started a band.
  3. injinji

    Climate in the 21st Century

    Seems to be more bears and beavers on the AT this year. Lots of wet feet in New Jersey and shredded food bags in Georgia. I can understand the bear in Georgia. The bubble gets bigger every year. But the beaver don't really care about hikers.
  4. injinji

    Pull those covers up tight

  5. injinji

    NPR Tiny Desk Concerts

    I clicked on these guys thinking they were a jazz band. Turned out to be pure soul. Pretty good too.
  6. injinji

    Country that don't suck

    I was watching either late night tv or NBA half time talk, and someone was saying how nice it was that the queen bee had blackened up country, and Charles or Shack were saying, "what? You just going to forget about Hootie?"
  7. injinji

    Country that don't suck

    A case of gone was all she carried.
  8. injinji

    Sunday Gospel

  9. injinji

    NPR Tiny Desk Concerts

    I heard Charlie Crockett promoting his new album on World Cafe a while ago when I was in the garden. Listened to a little more when I came in the house. This is from last year.
  10. injinji

    Country that don't suck

    $10 Cowboy.
  11. injinji

    Political Satire

  12. injinji


  13. injinji

    leave a song for the day

  14. injinji

    Women in Music

  15. injinji

    Make it Sexy!!!!

    When this comes around on the mp3 player it's bad for pace. I walk either too fast or too slow. Too much thinking.