Recent content by InsaneInTheBrain

  1. InsaneInTheBrain

    400w Kandy Kush/Hash Plant Haze/Blue Hash from seed

    Yeah, my bad... Been super busy/lazy. Anyway, the end result of the 4 plants was: Blue Hash: Died... my inexperience combined with breaking the pH meter was too much to recover from. Shame because it was easily the fastest growing at the start. 2 x Kandy Kush: Both turned out looking...
  2. InsaneInTheBrain

    400w Kandy Kush/Hash Plant Haze/Blue Hash from seed

    Day 78 - 2/16/10: Took clones from all 4 plants last weekend. I will switch over to 12/12 sometime in the next week.
  3. InsaneInTheBrain

    400w Kandy Kush/Hash Plant Haze/Blue Hash from seed

    They are doing well. I need to take clones (should have a week+ ago) and then I'll switch to 12/12 a week later. Roots are getting ridiculous (but all white). Unfortunately, I broke my camera charger. I'll take pics and update when I get my new phone.
  4. InsaneInTheBrain

    Collect that rainwater...2 PPM!

    comes out the tap at 38-42 here (varies a bit week to week). Just going to try to see if brita-ing it helps.
  5. InsaneInTheBrain

    My plant is doing leaf gymnastics(leaves are twisting!)

    No one thinks the PH is the problem? Runoff of 5.0 is low, especially for a mix. I had twisting leaves like that and my problem was definitely the PH. I've only grown with aero, but I was under the impression the runoff should be closer to like 6.3-6.5?
  6. InsaneInTheBrain

    Anyone else enjoy coffee with the wake and bake while listening to stern?

    Me too, but I can only do that on the weekends.
  7. InsaneInTheBrain

    Executive order 12425!!!

    Don't fool yourself... They are all clearly biased.
  8. InsaneInTheBrain

    Windows 7

    I think Linux is for people who hate Microsoft more than they actually like Linux (unless maybe you're a server/network admin from 90s or earlier). I've had some flavor of Linux available for dual-boot for about a decade and it's never been a viable option for being my primary OS...except for a...
  9. InsaneInTheBrain

    Windows 7

    Have it. Love all the UI/taskbar changes. Runs better on all my machines than Vista did.
  10. InsaneInTheBrain

    Hgetting seeds ship to us

    I've never had a problem and I've never heard of someone having delivery problems with the well reputed sites. You probably should have them delivered to somewhere other than the grow location. If they get intercepted, you just get a letter (no follow up action). However, your address also...
  11. InsaneInTheBrain


    Install a program called sopcast. It's free, just google it. Then go to MMA TV channel (sop:// I usually order just about every one of them, but the 108 card has been plagued by injuries.
  12. InsaneInTheBrain

    whats the most potent strain uve personally grown and smoked

    Not me, I'm on my first grow... Just wanted to see what people said. I'm growing Kandy Kush, Blue Haze, and Hash Plant Haze...but can't say what is the most potent for a while. I'm guessing it will be the Kandy Kush (Trainwreck x OG Kush).
  13. InsaneInTheBrain

    mh 400 watter help

  14. InsaneInTheBrain

    400W MH - Grow Tent (pics) Enjoi!

    Could be nute burn or PH issues. Did it slow after the heat issues were corrected?
  15. InsaneInTheBrain

    this guy is my new guitar hero

    Any idea if he sells them or if similar ones are available anywhere (midi guitar)? That would be perfect for something I was thinking about... (Not synthesized adapter and not the buttons... true fret by fret recognition.)