Recent content by ioplex

  1. I

    Weird Cloning Results

    When do you take the dome off? I Have a set 15 of clones that 2 have roots and the rest are not showing any. They have been under the dome for 10days today. Should I leave it on till they all have roots popping out?
  2. I

    My Current set up: journal?

    VV . What is the starting PPM of your Res when U stick the rooted clones into the flowering table?
  3. I

    My Current set up: journal?

    in about 7days my first set of clones are going into the first of 4 flowering tables. I have been modeling AL B Fuct'd grow and yours VV. I have 4 of those same 4ft fixtures. with a Mix of half red half Blue. My setup is in a sealed room just AC. I also Have a Co2 Controller mounted where I just...
  4. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Bump... Need some help please...
  5. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    I need help to resolve the problems that are only affecting the Master Kush. Weird Yellowing Leafs Top View Master Kush Master Kush Side Skywalker 1 #2 #3 Can someone please give me some ideas of what is wrong with the Kush????? The Water is RO PH 5.8 with 500ppm GH Flora Series 3part.
  6. I

    My Current set up: journal?

    Thanks for the Help. tagging along...
  7. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    I am feeding at 450ppm Which I think is too low. I am using GH 3 part Flora Series. Some help please??? Whats up with the roots coming out the bottom? At the end of each day I need to add a 200ppm solution to bring it back to 450ppm. What should I do? Also they are 33days from Sprout today
  8. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Well All of them have seemed to have bounced back to full a nice health. On top of that all of them have shown at least one spot with preflowers. 4 outta 4 female. Master Kush Master Kush Side Shot Skywalker Another SKywalker Roots coming out the bottom
  9. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Amazing. My Plants are all looking awesome today. Leaves all up Reaching. looking good and the biggest one looks to be showing some Preflowers. Ill post pics soon. I need to find an answer to this. How should I maintain the Res? I have read about a few different methods. If I fill the res today...
  10. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Thanks Alot. I actually just got back from draning cleaning and refilling the res with a 450PPM solution at 5.8ph. To find your msg telling me to do the same thing. I was thinking if it was a Mag problem it says it best asorbs it at a ph of 5.8 and I have been keeping a constant 5.5 -5.6 from...
  11. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Update. Plants still growing but I am having another problem. From the fAQ it looks like its MG problem. What do you think???? Help Please PH is 5.6 using ROWAter starting with a ppm of 20. For the last 3 days they have been flushed using only ph 5.6 RO Water. Master Kush Same Master Kush...
  12. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    so you have your lights on 24/0 also? seems like a good idea. you are also using hydroton and rockwhool correct? why do u have ur PH so high?
  13. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Well now they have grown some more. Since the Last post. But I am having a new problem I think it is underwatering. They feed at 10am (drip for 20mins)and again at 10pm(Drip for 20mins). but now in the morning before 10am they are all droopy with leaves hanging down on most. Then after they Feed...
  14. I

    MasterKush & Skywalker LED GROW

    I am only adding GH 3 part 1 -1 -1 right now. Drop of Superthrive/gal and RO water which probably doesnt have any ca/mg. What should I use? The Bloom has Mg and the micro has Cal. I am using a Hanna TDS/PH meter at 200ppm for these plants which are 24 days old from sprouting out of the RW. Does...
  15. I

    Leaves Curling and yellowing NEED HELP PLEASE

    Well Here is a update things still pretty much the same. Masterkush With Curling Leaves. Skywalker looking Good