Recent content by IslandGrows

  1. IslandGrows

    Switching auto light schedule late in flower

    I had an auto growing next to my photoperiod for this grow. I just harvested my photo after 85+ days of flower and my auto still doesn’t seem to be ready. Would switching back to 18/6 this late in flower be harmful even though it’s an auto flower?
  2. IslandGrows

    No food and flush but plant is still green?

    I’m using fox farm ocean forest
  3. IslandGrows

    No food and flush but plant is still green?

    What does over feeding look like specifically?
  4. IslandGrows

    No food and flush but plant is still green?

    Hey all, I haven’t fed my plants any nutrients in about 2-3 weeks. I just started week 9 of flower and flushed 3 days ago with 3 gallons of water. How long does it take for leaves to start to yellow? And do I even need to wait for that to harvest? This is my first inside grow, thanks for the help!
  5. IslandGrows

    HLG Light usage

    I’m using an hlg 100 in a 2x2 tent. They do have a pic on their site which shows the ppfd values. Search for your light
  6. IslandGrows

    Free Grow Software!

    Windows forms is a little out dated no? I would think a web app or something would be more suitable
  7. IslandGrows

    Why are there holes in my leaves?

    Awesome! Thanks for the help
  8. IslandGrows

    Why are there holes in my leaves?

    Maybe I should be a little more gentle lol thanks for the help!
  9. IslandGrows

    Why are there holes in my leaves?

    Hey all, Throughout this whole grow I’ve noticed some little holes and tears in my leaves. I have no bugs and the light isn’t too close or even that intense. I’m curious as to why this is happening? Is it some kind of stress or nutrient problem? Thanks in advance.
  10. IslandGrows

    Air intake for flower

    Thanks. Im gonna look up some diy plans now
  11. IslandGrows

    Air intake for flower

    Hey everyone, Im in the middle of my first indoor grow. I’ve been using the passive intake vents all of veg. I’m now switching to flower and I will need to put the flaps back on since the room is sometimes used and I don’t want any light leak. Should I set up another line of ducting for my...