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  • Hey ISmoke, I was reading the thread on Public Water and the whole Chlorine ordeal. Of course lots of thoughts and methods were explained. I am a fellow aquarist as well. You mention a while back that you use dechlorifier, the same that we use for making water for tanks. I was wondering if you still do or if not why? My logic says that if a "chemical" to dechlorify water doesn't kill fish, it shouldn't kill plants either. Dechlorinators don't actually get rid of the chlorine/chloramines/ammonia; it just bonds to the molecular structure neutralizing it, with that in mind, could it neutralize the nutes or soil as well?
    Anyways, I’d like to know your thoughts on this and would like to know if you still use tap with aquarium dechlorifier…and has it been working for you? Have you had to play with nute doses or not?
    And lastly, I am aerating five gallon water machine bottles and was thinking of using the aquarium dechlorifier to aid in the process.
    Thanks in advance :)
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