Recent content by its4mywife

  1. its4mywife

    Planting Hermie Seeds

    I grew a single plant outside last year from a clone I got from a friend. That plant hermied very late and graciously gave me 25 seeds. I gerned 10 of them this spring and all popped. 7/10 were female and are about 8 feet tall at the moment. No sacs but nice flowers!!
  2. its4mywife

    Sin Tra Bajo auto, anyone have any info?

    just like the title says, I’m just looking to see if anyone has any experience with this particular strain. And how it is to grow, picky/forgiving. Hi/low yield Potency etc. Growing 4 of them in 4x4 tent under 600watt HPS 18/6 In dwc with Dutch nutrients. Thanks
  3. its4mywife

    1 Auto Seed Challenge

    Northern lights X big bud. Grown in dwc
  4. its4mywife

    1 Auto Seed Challenge

    These were my two lady’s that got the chop 2 days ago. And a pic of what came off the first one. Didn’t get a pic of what came off second lady.
  5. its4mywife

    Topping autos in dwc... yes or no???

    This is a pic of my 2 lady’s that just came down
  6. its4mywife

    Topping autos in dwc... yes or no???

    Starting my second dwc grow now. Have 4 Sin Tra Bajo autos in buckets in a 4x4 tent under a 600w HPS. 18/6. My first dwc grow was very successful and drying now. I’m thinking around a pound from 2 Nor Lights x big bud autos. I’m wondering if anyone has any EXPERIENCE topping autos in DWC. ( I...