Recent content by ivory420

  1. ivory420

    I grow 4 MS - why do you grow?

    My doc prescribed Cannabis for my Multiple Sclerosis. It helps keep my exacerbations at bay and I consider it a big part of my treatment. I'm super grateful that the law has caught up with my medical need and now allows me to grow my medicine + be more self sufficient. My other meds cost in the...
  2. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    THIS is what I was talking about. Thanks for answering and sharing! SO my initial startup cost was WAY OFF but I think you're agreeing that: having someone with experience "hold your hand" helped to give you a good yield the first time growing. Am I right? Any regrets about this? Was your pro...
  3. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    Since this post has taken a turn to Keurigs I will capitulate here: I clearly have some learning to do on the topic of posting in forums - sorry for the confusion. You all gave sound advice once I clarified my position so thank you! BUT I disagree with starting small and going through a few...
  4. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    I do too because I like variety!
  5. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    No - just someone passionate about the opportunities of homegrow. My current situation allows for 3 plants in flower so if I fill a 4X4 tent using these 3 plants then I have the best utilization of my time, electricity, nutrients, etc. to grow one crop of 24 ounces IF I do it right (a pervasive...
  6. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    I did say "Grow Your Own" but since everyone missed it then it's obvi on me! ...old rich guy happy :hump::D:P I'm dead!
  7. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    hahaha thanks I missed that. For what it's worth my original mistake was thinking 1.5lbs was 21 ozs. I then realized it's 24 ozs and updated the left side but not the right side of the equation. Stupid me.
  8. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    Realizing I should have been more specific : The value is to ME since this is what I would pay at the dispensary for 24 ozs(over the course of some time). The purpose for my post is to emphasize the sustainability of growing your own. Awesome responses tho :Dhaha
  9. ivory420

    Some Growing Math

    I was doing some math on my (potential) crop and wanted to run it by y'all to see if it makes sense... If I am growing in a 4X4 tent in a Screen of Green configuration(my whole footprint is covered in green 2 feet thick), UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS (but no CO2), and growing an AVERAGE YIELDING...
  10. ivory420

    Blurple Led Yes or NO?

    Can I share what I did after doing exactly what you did above? My crop came out better and I pulled 5 ozs with similar light and in the same tent. I assume you're growing the same or similar yielding strain as your first grow. What I wanted next was denser, and larger nugs. I wanted the yields...
  11. ivory420

    How close is too close to LEDs?

    Yeah but ... they're $60 lights. At what point am I killing a mosquito with a bazooka? If I were to buy this meter(and I am NOT saying I don't want to) I would best use it on some four figure light$.
  12. ivory420

    How close is too close to LEDs?

    I am testing out the Maxisun 600W LED lamp and doing some very basic lux measurements using the LUX app and my new Galaxy phone. Based on the readings I've had to squeeze 3 of these lamps into a 2x4 grow tent just to get even coverage throughout the grow area and to measure 80,000 LUX. That...
  13. ivory420


  14. ivory420

    Don't do what I did

    Good quality electronics, when used properly, ARE the difference between a Hobby Grow and a Professional Grow. The setup described is fairly advanced and I would not classify it as a Hobby Grow. If you want to grow like a professional then you have to embrace the latest techniques in...
  15. ivory420

    Yo I got all the answers!

    Yo I got all the answers!