Recent content by Iyaogeh Lucky

  1. Iyaogeh Lucky

    THC vs CBD

    Harvesting your cannabis plant is all about proper timing. Harvest too early and you won't get any psychedelic effects; harvest too late and you run the risk of self-pollinating and rotting. Hence, balancing things out is the key to achieving the best harvest. Timing is an important factor to...
  2. Iyaogeh Lucky

    Bud moisture for perfect bud... :-)

    The two most common reasons why weed gets dry beyond its optimal point are overdrying after harvest and inadequate storage. Cannabis dries from the outside in. The outer leaves may seem dry, while the inner bud and stems might still hold considerable amounts of water. Therefore, it is common...
  3. Iyaogeh Lucky

    Free Grow Software!

    Thank you very much for providing our community with your software! HERB.IQ I really like it because the application store data in encrypted XML files to track the progress of plants, nutrient levels, environment, smoke effects, strain characteristics for breeding,