Recent content by J2thadub

  1. J

    Harvest w/ bud rot - Need advice ASAP!

    I think I spotted the problem and took action before any buds got real gooey. The substance I see is clear as water but sticky... like clear tree sap but not very thick. I agree though, the whole thing is shame. BTW, here is a link to my first post w/ pics of the first rotting bud I found...
  2. J

    Is this bud rot?

    I've continued this thread here:
  3. J

    Harvest w/ bud rot - Need advice ASAP!

    Well, I'm almost half-way done (9 out of 22 harvested). I'll finish up tomorrow night. The bud rot is not wide spread. I'd estimate I've tossed less than 5% of what I've trimmed so far that was obviously bud rot damaged but theres about another 5% that I'm not even sure it's bud rot that I...
  4. J

    Harvest w/ bud rot - Need advice ASAP!

    Last night, while doing routine maintenance/observation on my crop, I discovered what I'm sure is bud rot in a few colas. I'd planned on harvesting in about 4 more days but decided it I should do it ASAP. The trichs are about 60% cloudy and 20% clear, 20% amber so no big deal. I chopped off...
  5. J

    Is this bud rot?

    I'm a little relieved now. Problem is NOT widespread. Limited to about 6 buds, granted 6 large buds/colas. Only has to toss about about an ounce or two (wet weight). Glad I caught it before it got worse! Hopefully that is the end of it. Can't wait to get this harvest over...
  6. J

    Is this bud rot?

    Thank you Panhead. Good info. The problem was caused by laziness and lack of experience. They've been going strong from clone until now. And this close to harvest I guess I figured there was no way I could fuck them. Wrong! I over watered them about a week ago and never removed the...
  7. J

    Is this bud rot?

    Ok... so I thought it was isolated to the one cola. So much for being optimistic. I'm gonna guess it's contained to about 5%-10% of the crop I inspected. It seems to only be in about 25% of the largest colas. Basically, the crop is ready for harvest. I had planned on 3-5 more days for the...
  8. J

    Is this bud rot?

    I was doing some maintenance and found what I believe is bud rot (?) on one of my colas. I thought it was mold and lopped that sucker off right away. It's a shame! It was one of, if not the largest colas in the whole crop. Problem seems isolated though. Took a few pics to share. So you can...
  9. J

    Before you chop, you.......

    ...and don't forget the live animal sacrifice as a gift to the grow gods! :evil: Seriously though, and I'm no expert, I doubt there is noticeable differences what light cycle you start chopping. I have pondered this question myself though.
  10. J

    73 µ MK-Ultra 1º

    Those pics make my mouth water... nice piece btw!
  11. J

    News Article: Police Find Huge Marijuana Plants

    Found this link on Article WITH PICS found >here< PLEASANT VIEW - The resident of a Weber County house was jailed recently on drug charges after firefighters responding to a fire there discovered $78,000 in marijuana plants in his basement. Police said the man was charged Monday with...
  12. J

    Disposing of trimmings

    Thanks... good info. I like the cannonball idea. Now I just need to find a cannon and an eye patch. ARRRRRRRRR!
  13. J

    Disposing of trimmings

    ...and you still have all the leafs and trimmings, only now there's no trich's on them. Now what?
  14. J

    Disposing of trimmings

    Can anyone suggest some methods for disposing of rockwool, stems, fan leaves, trimmings, etc.? What do you guys do with all of the garbage? BTW, going to the local dump is not an option. Here's some I've come up with... 1. Put it out with all the rest of the household garbage? 2. Put...
  15. J

    Attic grow room with drip system

    Both new circuits are on 20A breakers. Thank you for pointing out the bare wire you saw. I think what happened was I didn't have any wire nuts at the time so I just twisted the ground wires together left it and forgot about it. What is a marette btw? Another name for wire nut? Definitely...