Recent content by JacerRacer

  1. JacerRacer

    Putting an attitude order in soon...

    Ha ha you posted this when I got my order in the mail from the tude....
  2. JacerRacer

    No Smoke :(

    LOL I almost forgot, I gave back that same bunk bag-o-stuff that my wife had hid away to the guy we got it from... as he left I told him to not have to big of a party.....Buhahaha!!!
  3. JacerRacer

    No Smoke :(

    Yesir! Everyone likes the treats!
  4. JacerRacer

    12/12 from seedling? LED Christmas lights...

    He likes green as well, LMAO!
  5. JacerRacer

    Putting an attitude order in soon...

    Billy, I thought you were gonna go with Aliens Jack'dUp?!? Buddhas is my preference unless I can get my hands on some PowerNap....Also I'm thinking the S.A.G.E. is gonna be killer....I can hear it whispering..... crack me... crack me... LOL
  6. JacerRacer

    Happy 70th birthday bob ross!!

    Teaching this Kinkade guy my wife loves so much how art really is done.... one brush stroke and a forest hes gone.
  7. JacerRacer

    zombie ass: toilet of the dead

    hellz no I do too! LMAO!
  8. JacerRacer

    12/12 from seedling? LED Christmas lights...

    LOL, I bet my 12 year old could actually GROW something.... that poor poor plant. :cry: xmas LEDs have no where near the Lumens needed for even a stunted veg grow.... heck go spend $20 at Wally world and get some mini 18inch fluorescent hoods and givem what they need...if space is an issue, But...