Recent content by Jack Larson

  1. Jack Larson

    No Smell

    Carbs. and Dextrose 4 smell ,CARBO BLAST or Molasses ,smell good ! Ugg !
  2. Jack Larson

    Killing pollen?

    I had the same problem last year.I just cleaned as usual (vac and wipe) post harvest, and had no seeds after that .I use bleach water 1 cup per gal.For what its worth I also use a carbon filter . GOOD LUCK ! :peace:
  3. Jack Larson

    Not herm, but not sure...

    Yes,keep a close eye on them,if you see any (male parts)just remove those.If you see 5-10 its not a big deal, but if you see 20 or more I would get rid of it .I think you just have seeds .hard to tell with out pics.But I would let it go untill I knew for sure.Good Luck!..:peace:...J.L.
  4. Jack Larson

    Not herm, but not sure...

    Its most likely pollin from the autos, if you don't clean very well, pollin can stay around for a long time. Don't trust any seeds that are produced,they are likely hermies as well.good luck,and....:peace:...J.L.
  5. Jack Larson

    Bananas Very Late In Flowering

    If a seed is produced by a femail, that has been stressed in to hermie, most or all seeds will be femails .How ever if a seed is produced by a plant that is geneticly a hermie, all seeds will be hermies.IME...:peace:...J.L. j. l.
  6. Jack Larson

    Basement is great. I would use just basement for really young clones & don't over water. It's...

    Basement is great. I would use just basement for really young clones & don't over water. It's normal for young clones to yellow. After you have a good root system, then transplant into a mix of 50/50 Royal Gold Basement & Royal Gold Mendo mix + perlite. Basement has little to no nutes so you...
  7. Jack Larson

    Having the same problem every time!! PLEASE HELP!!!

    Don't bite bro, UB says stupid shit like that all the time for no other reason than to invoke a response. He is the one that doesn't get it. You make a great point about genetics! Unfortunately, it falls on deaf ears when it comes to UB. Trust me the fight is not worth the prize. The guy just...
  8. Jack Larson

    for soil

    Try a dead skunk..;)..J.L..
  9. Jack Larson

    Big Cola White Webs Inside

    It's your choice if you want to smoke it , but please don't pass it along to others. BOTRYTIS is poisonous , dangerous and can cause serious lung problems. Smoking it just adds to the perception that stoners are all dumb-asses! Eventually you will end up at the doctors,and trust me they won't be...
  10. Jack Larson

    Just purchased some diatomacous earth QUESTION

    This will help you . GOOD LUCK!...J.L..
  11. Jack Larson

    Mold on Rapid Rooters

    Once you get them in pots and curculate air, let them dry out a little. Are they in a dome? It also helps if you wash your hands before handling. I use HYGROZIME when I soak my plugs and have had no issues with mold or milldew. I also open vents on dome after first week or so. Once you get mold...
  12. Jack Larson

    Why is the advanced forum full of stupid ass threads?

    OKAY , well since this thread has nothing to do with growing and will probably all be gone soon, I just wanted to say HAPPY 4TH OF JULY ! And thank all the posters that have given me good advice ! WETDOG,BEANSLY,NULLIS,BRICKTOP,HOAGTECH,LEGALLYFLYING,ALEXKELLY,VINDICATED,HOMEBREWER and...
  13. Jack Larson

    Molasses mineral values - dipshit edition

    :clap:Molasses mineral values - dipshit edition:clap:+ rep, you rock great explanation. kiss-ass
  14. Jack Larson

    Botanicare pure blend pro bloom in organic soil

    Who turned this thread in to a Dipshit contest ? how and why make something so easy sound so complicated ? Its not making anyone look smart . BTW for those that have forgotten this thread is about Botanicare Pro Bloom which I use, in organic soil and wanted to hear what others had to say about...
  15. Jack Larson

    Hygrozyme overdose/hygrozyme bad?

    I don't know about shelf life, but I use it regularly with great results.(Clones love it) and 2.5ML sounds about right for 2 quarts. Afghan Kush is a hardy strain .I think its something else, but it does look like nute burn. How often do you feed ? The container looks small . Is it always in a...