Recent content by JaggedJames

  1. JaggedJames

    Just a tiny little plan

    Well, being 3 is all I have, I've got no other option than to treat these plants well, and hope for the best. Now, back to the original question :) What can I do to maximize this small op?
  2. JaggedJames

    Just a tiny little plan

    2 were clones given to me as guarenteed females. And the single was from a group of seven seeds, that turned out to be the only female.
  3. JaggedJames

    Just a tiny little plan

    Hey folks! Been quite some time since I've been around. I recently started 7 plants from seed, and from what I can tell, I got 1 female. Then a friend also gave me 2 clones. I took them outdoors, and planted them in a secluded spot. I have fed them with (forgive me not knowing) some blue...
  4. JaggedJames

    Ice Wash Hash

    Bump!, lol, sorry, but I hope someone who knows might help out...
  5. JaggedJames

    Ice Wash Hash

    Hey folks, havin some difficulty here, maybe someone can help. I've been making hash using the ice, and water technique, and it works great, but after the hash dries, it goes hard.....and I mean hard Jack! Has anyone heard of anything I can use to mix with it to keep it softer, and not get...
  6. JaggedJames

    Keeping my oil ........oily

    So i fuigure I will make some more oil with my schwag. But I still have a problem. The methos I use is butane, through a tube stuffed with leaves, the butane dissolves, leaving oil....HOWEVER, It dissolving until Im left with a hard crust really, what can I use to keep it plyable, and workable?
  7. JaggedJames

    My Dog Gets HIGH

    My dog just ate about 1.0g that was cut up on a magazine on my couch.
  8. JaggedJames

    If you could smoke with anyone...

    It'd be somethin to get stoned with Jim Morrison wouldnt it? :joint:
  9. JaggedJames

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Korv, hope ya get all hooked up man! :joint: Jagged's got his coffee and kind's this morn. :mrgreen:
  10. JaggedJames

    The Best High Activities

    SOmething that is always fun, is playing with a pet, cats and dogs especially. They are hillarious sometimes.
  11. JaggedJames

    Contest Idea's

    I think "Best Artistic Joint" would be cool. People could roll their most creative joints, most innovative, wins of course. Cheers :joint:
  12. JaggedJames

    Question about whip cream cans

    Just try not to walk around to much, probably the only real threat from a "whippit", which is the topic question, is passing out, and smashing your melon on the floor.
  13. JaggedJames

    How can u tell if ur clones took root?

    Ive seen a vid, where rockwhool was used, and could be simply turned over to see. They rooted very well in it.
  14. JaggedJames

    leave problems (pics)

    Or have you possibly watered to much after transplant?
  15. JaggedJames

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Wheeeeeee! Now I'm bakeder?