Recent content by jarjarbinks1992

  1. J

    Close to chop?

    yea your right lol been the most humid summer ever.. i donno chopped the shit but have an idea it will all be waste. thanks for all the info guys!
  2. J

    Close to chop?

    yup pretty bummed out happend over night... not gonna be anything ill even want to smoke Lmao
  3. J

    Close to chop?

    Ok! the other plant has nothing that looks like this let that one keep going?
  4. J

    Close to chop?

    didn’t want to post back this early but kind of panicing have a few bud sites where there really crisping up n look they turning brown was half thinking on cutting them down but idk what to do plz some help or this is normal it’s only on the 2 bud sites in the pics.
  5. J

    Close to chop?

    hmm ok i just have 0 experience so dont wanna cut them early lol
  6. J

    Close to chop?

    hi first time grower title says it all just like to have a rough estimate. thanks 45 days since 12/12
  7. J


  8. J


    These even close to being done? not best pics but got no scope or great camera just like to have an idea.
  9. J


    Yeah for sure I forced flowered them early because I got a dark room...and there 35 days since i been 12/12ing them little experiment first grow i guess lol gonna check back in few weeks see how close you guys think they are to done or buy a scope,, still a scrub so ill check in to be sure...
  10. J


    okay thanks. just gonna let her be. the yellowing is normal then ?
  11. J


    Lots of yellowing the last few days wonder just let it go or trim some away?
  12. J

    8'x8' Grow tent kit opinions.

    just got 3 gorilla glue#4 seeds gonna get them started while waiting for the equipment
  13. J

    8'x8' Grow tent kit opinions.

    Good to hear man.. im going all cheap stuff off of amazon most brand is Vivosun hope its not a waste of money.
  14. J

    8'x8' Grow tent kit opinions.

    Thanks for a quick reply, will deff give them a go.
  15. J

    8'x8' Grow tent kit opinions.

    Thanks corey. back again with another question. Thinking on having a dedicated full time Veg room and was looking at these, wondering if its enough to Veg plants with, please let me know what you think ! Edit~ Veg room is 5 long , 2.5 wide and 5 feet high...