Recent content by jaymoddo

  1. J

    Drooping Leaves with Brown Spots @ wk 2

    Early on maybe once every two days. I thought I was letting it dry out enough. This lasted for a little over a week. I began noticing algae on the perlite that was on the surface, so I started letting it dry out more. Now, I water maybe once every 3-4 days, but really just waiting for it 1.5...
  2. J

    Drooping Leaves with Brown Spots @ wk 2

    I'm 2 weeks and a couple days into my first grow. Leaves on all three are drooping. Largest plant of the three has brown spots on lower leaves. Figured I may be overwatering since algae was appearing on the perlite. So I let them dry out some. Still droopy. At this point, was only giving...