Recent content by jbo

  1. J

    Late flowering growth at 10 weeks into flower

    Most likley heat stress from my expierience. whats a trip is that it has affected some lower buds on my current grow that were near the lights. I just trim em off when they're for sale. good luck
  2. J

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    i concur. lst and then when i flip to 12/12 i thin em out taking all lower foliage and even some of the lower flowers off. seems to work for me. 15 plants, 4k, 7x7 room, looking like 6# off this run -maui wowie
  3. J

    LST pro needed

    i use 10 gallon totes for pots that way i have plenty of surface area to pin down to. i use wire coat hangers that i cut the hook out of and then cut into two v shape pieces for stakes. usually takes 15 to 20 stakes per tote. then just bend, stake, grow, bend, stake, grow you get it. good luck.
  4. J

    Would like some input from bigger growers than I....

    I use four 1k's and my buddy uses two 1k's on a mover, same size room. Hes going to get two more lights this week. Although he is going to still use the mover. Mine are stationary. good luck, oh dont get the cheap mover that runs on a chain the other ones are better. imo
  5. J

    100 % most accurate way to calculate dry harvest weight !!!

    so if i have 10# wet i should get 2.5 dry is what ur saying? how can i figure out how much i will get off of juuuuuuust kidding lol im on ur side! GROW it and get a fuckin scale and find out what u got. How bout stop spending all ur money and save a little so that ur not trying to figure out...
  6. J

    can my neighbor bust me

    im guessin ur not scripted?
  7. J

    LST Issues!!! PLZ Help! +REP!

    did u read my post in your other thread about using totes for more surface area?
  8. J

    LST Issues!!! PLZ Help! +REP!

    nah youll be good just buy all the hangers you can get cuz it takes a bunch lol
  9. J


    Umm what about the fact that the water is going to wind up being ambient temp of the room that its in. You could chill it but unless your just doing it to do it i dont think its a very cost effective method. Cool as hell yeah, cheap no.
  10. J

    LST Issues!!! PLZ Help! +REP!

    use longer hangers i cut my hangers into two v shaped stakes. cut once in the middle and then cut the hook out n ur done. longer stakes will stay
  11. J

    First time LSTing... Did I do it right? (PICS) +REP

    good start, i also use coat hangers (cheap wire ones from 99 cent store work best). you mentioned cutting stuff off. I just pin all the lower stuff down as i go. I do go through and remove all lower growth right before i flip and then again at three weeks into flower. Also i use ten gallon...
  12. J

    Too tall

    supercrop it
  13. J

    Macgyver setup

    not to bad for what you have. ease up on the water though. probably let it dry out a few days.
  14. J

    I think its a boy?

    1 and 2 are def male 3 is a girl for sure