Recent content by JDoogg

  1. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    Yeah if I can I'll put one in the future, thanks. ;) By the way I did an upgrade on my lights, now I have two 23W blue bulbs with 1450 lumen and one 23W white bulb with 1570 lumen, here is the photo. I think she might be happier now. :mrgreen:
  2. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    Hey guys just got a hand on some nice weed with the Christmas money, really enjoying the holidays. :bigjoint: By the way got some new pics of my girl, check it out. A very green happy new year. :mrgreen:
  3. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    A friend of mine told me about those, thanks I will see in to that.
  4. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    Oh, you know those mattresses that you use when you go camping that are made of sponge? Thats what I used, I had one from going to the summer festivals and I noticed that the opposed side of the one that you lay on to sleep was very good in reflecting light as you see so used it, it cost me like...
  5. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    Hey, thanks for stopping by I really appreciate you taking the time. Yeah, the fan that sends the air in is a 14 cm and the one that takes it out is a 12, I think they work well considering the size of the box. About the light, I will keep in mind that total of 100W you told me. ;-) By the...
  6. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    No power source, that's just the thing in my PC case that i hang the bulb, nothing to complicated, sorry if I let you down. ;) I still haven't thought about the odor, still too early but what do you recommend? By the way, sorry for my weak english but what did you mean by 'line that box'?
  7. JDoogg

    DIY Small 5 Socket CFL Light Fixture

    I haven't found nothing close to that on sale where I live but I will keep looking.
  8. JDoogg

    DIY Small 5 Socket CFL Light Fixture

    You have a sick setup up, +rep. Really lovin' your light connections, what do you use? :-)
  9. JDoogg

    My PC grow box... WITH PICS

    Hope everything goes well from now on, keep updating.
  10. JDoogg


    Hey guys, didn't got any posts on the thread so I figured I just post some info about dwarfs myself, hope that it may come in handy to some one. Feel free to help out if you want. P.S.: The info can have some mistakes so correct me if you must, don't want some bad info going around like that...
  11. JDoogg

    My PC grow box... WITH PICS

    Nice PC grow box you got there, you really went all the way with that, like the hight of it, nice big buds should come out of there, you already growing?
  12. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    I'm using a roots stimulator because I broke some when transplanting the plant to a bigger vase, bad call, I hope it compensates for the loss. Thanks for the rep I'm gonna check out your set up. Happy growing. :razz:
  13. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    How many cm do you think I should have her from the light?
  14. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    It's a 23W and yes I'm thinking of buying one more for now and some more later, budget thight you know but thanks for the tip, I will follow your advice.
  15. JDoogg

    Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box

    Hey everyone, I'm posting my sweet dwarf journal and some pics from my grow box. Hope I can get some tips about my growing, she is currently under one 6500k CFL light bulb with 1400 lummens. Here are the box pics... ...and here are hers. Hope you like it, happy holidays. :bigjoint: