Recent content by jessluvstosmoke

  1. J

    Ridiculous and need some off

    None of them were excellent. 3 went hermie. 2 died. But I got 5 oz of the other 2 plants for free... And experience, so next spring can only improve. Learnt alot from Rollitup and other sites being a first time grower. Good luck.
  2. J

    Ridiculous and need some off

    lol I grew 7 plants this season and still never mastered any techniques.
  3. J

    seeds or balls?

    I'm pulling it today. Frost is meant to be coming on the weekend. Cheers for ur help.
  4. J

    seeds or balls?

    I cut the whole branch off? It was brown, bout size of a 5c coin, on out side of the top bud, kinda fell away from the stem, which was brown and rotting. It looked like the google pics of bud rot. There was a wasp also hanging around, could it have lauded eggs?
  5. J

    seeds or balls?

    thanks for the welcome. Yeah its my phone and I live in the country. I'm lucky people are patient.
  6. J

    seeds or balls?

    thanks for ur time. Next year has to go better after reading all riu info.
  7. J

    seeds or balls?

    it is outside, 3 plants have already been pulled because of male flowers and banana bunches.
  8. J

    seeds or balls?

  9. J

    seeds or balls?

    does that mean that they are ready? I put some more pictures.
  10. J

    seeds or balls?

  11. J

    seeds or balls?

    wow it takes 17 min to upload one pic?
  12. J

    seeds or balls?

  13. J

    seeds or balls?

    thank you guys! Was panicking and just about to rip it up. It's pinned down and I noticed some bud rot so I cut that bud off and saw those sac things. Are you ment to harvest when caylexes r swollen? It's only getting 3hrs full morning sun, rest of day in shade.
  14. J

    seeds or balls?

    photo finally uploaded.
  15. J

    seeds or balls?

    sorry the pic took so long. Gotta crap phone.