Recent content by Jmy137900

  1. J

    Welcome New Members!

    I think you need a smaller tent, not a bigger light. Because you don't want to go big until your skills improve. Or maybe you can just grow in the center of your tent.
  2. J

    Can i transplant my seedling in ffof soil?

    I used FFOF from seed to harvest and never got nute burn
  3. J

    Racism in the work place what can you do?

    Hey OP I am half Chinese and have faced racism many times. I always report the offender and if nothing is done about it, quit the job or move away from the apartment. Have you seen The Revenant? "Revenge is in the hands of the creator"
  4. J

    Buds losing smell?

    Hopefully the lack of smell is due to strain, not indicative of damage. Although I swear it was stinking up the entire room a couple weeks ago. Maybe I've spent so much time in here that my nose is desensitized.
  5. J

    Buds losing smell?

    I figured if the pistils were half brown it was ready to go
  6. J

    Buds losing smell?

    Thanks BMWEATER. I've lowered the temp about 5 degrees but fear the damage may already be done. Should I chop them down or wait a little and hope the smell comes back?
  7. J

    Buds losing smell?

    Hey guys I'm late into flowering and the buds are starting to lose their smell. I think it's heat and light stress. One of the buds close to the light just shriveled up and died. The others are doing OK but ripening at different speeds, or starting to smell like fruit?!! Should I just cut my...
  8. J

    did i start flowering to late

    My first grow looked similar to yours and I ended up with 20 grams. It's a good learning experience. The most important change is brighter lights, and plant training to keep it short and squat.
  9. J

    Getting close to harvest. Top leaves purple.

    I am at day 45 and my leaves look worse than that. I dunno, I hear that's what they're supposed to do at the end.
  10. J

    Cheap and simple watering system

    thanks for the suggestions guys. the back watering IS what was becoming a problem. also i raised the pots to avoid waterlogging the bottom, but it was a pain trying to collect all the runoff water.
  11. J

    Feminized seeds have a 60% chance of going hermie

    if that were true you'd be better off buying regular seeds
  12. J

    Feminized seeds have a 60% chance of going hermie

    So says a guy I met. Please tell me he's wrong.
  13. J

    Cheap and simple watering system

    Hey guys can anybody recommend me a cheap and simple watering system? Every couple days I take them out and water in the bathtub, which I think is stressing them. All advice appreciated.
  14. J

    Can I eat the leaves?

    you're an expert
  15. J

    Can I eat the leaves?

    Hey guys I apologize for the dumb question. My plants are halfway through flowering and I really want to sample them but I have no pipe or anything. Can I just eat some leaves? Or melt them into butter or something?