Recent content by Jobeyk

  1. J

    Should my plant have come up yet?

    yeh jimboy you mite be right there. I am not using a completely see through cup but it will let some light through. Thanks
  2. J

    Should my plant have come up yet?

    ok so its been five guessing its probable safe to assume that my seed it dead
  3. J

    Should my plant have come up yet?

    Hello, this is my fist grow. I germinated my seed using the paper towel method and planted it about 1 inch down(root down) in some relatively loose home made compost. I did this 4 weeks ago and my seed still hasnt even broken through the soil yet! I have been using natural mineral water( the...
  4. J

    Any one know how i can delete my account?

    lol oh well and no the myspace u probably went on wasnt mine and yeh i posted the other thing.......
  5. J

    Any one know how i can delete my account?

    Right, i know this is maybe a bit paranoid but i have used a username for this site that a lot of people would recognize as me if they saw it. I searched my username on google and it came up with all my posts and threads. like i said i Know this is maybe a bit ott but i dont want to take...
  6. J

    Has Anyone tried Smoking Marijuana Leaves?

    Yeh I havnt tried this yet but i myself am a bit of a light weight so im guessing other than the taste, smoking leaves would be similar to having one puff of the real stuff? Am i right or not?
  7. J

    Real Cannabis online?

    I found the link that i think caliboy was on about. any one tried this
  8. J

    early flowering sativa?

    Hey, I'm looking for an early flowering sativa strain to grow out doors when the summer comes round (Im in the UK). Any ideas????
  9. J

    Is this a problem??????

    Sorry my bad im new to this whole thing
  10. J

    Is this a problem??????

    NOTE: I have also posted this in Problems Ok so i have this plant which i germinated using the paper towel method and i potted it 10 days ago. Earlier today i went to check up on it and it still hadnt come up through the soil. This being my first grow i am very inexperienced and i decided to...
  11. J

    Is this a problem??????

    Yeh i am seriously regretting this but how long will this take to repair its self if it heels at all
  12. J

    Is this a problem??????

    Ok so i have this plant which i germinated using the paper towel method and i potted it 10 days ago. Earlier today i went to check up on it and it still hadnt come up through the soil. This being my first grow i am very inexperienced and i decided to just gently move some of the top soil away to...
  13. J

    Where can i get some weed!!

    rite..... well yeh any other answers would be great
  14. J

    Where can i get some weed!!

    Lol how would i get stuff from the police
  15. J

    Where can i get some weed!!

    Hey everyone I am growing a couple of plants. I realize this is an unusual question for this site and i doubt anyone will be able to help. Buy does anyone knnow where i can get some weed In Aylesbury or around Buckinghamshire. I am in the UK by the way.