Recent content by Johnnyblaze326

  1. Johnnyblaze326

    Bushmaster: A How to Guide

    wow sat here and read 14 pages of bullshit ...just when i thought i was going to read some good stuff on BM ...I had to sit here and shake my head and say wow this is like middle school all over again fucking lame not a good grower (only grown 4 times) but even i know when i see a shitty...
  2. Johnnyblaze326

    Cal Mag def maybe something else?????? pics included

    um i dont feed 6 tsp of nutes i feed about 8 1/2 tsp of tiger bloom and 8 1/2 tsp of grow big and 12tsp of big bloom and 5 tsp of camg+ to 5 gallons of water ec reads at 1.0 ..i only feed grow big around 4th week of flowering and the beginning of the 5th week..well water is not filtered at all...
  3. Johnnyblaze326

    Cal Mag def maybe something else?????? pics included

    it maybe temps but i do have a thermo that hangs down from the hood and it never goes above 80... most of the time the room temp is at 72 and the canopy is at 75-77 i do have some leaves towards the middle that are doing the same thing i can take better pics if u want
  4. Johnnyblaze326

    Cal Mag def maybe something else?????? pics included

    you can use clearex thats what i have havent used it yet though havent had the need yet .....but im not so sure its my well ...Do you have well water ?
  5. Johnnyblaze326

    Cal Mag def maybe something else?????? pics included

    i dont think its my well water i did 2 grows before this on the same well ....tds meter reads below 100 on the .5 scale and i didnt have this problem last grow the only diffrense on this grow is i have diffrent strains ran bag seed last 2 grows and they were champs but had a high count of...
  6. Johnnyblaze326

    Cal Mag def maybe something else?????? pics included

    day 29 of 12/12 2/20 fed with grow big 8 1/4 tsp ----8 1/4 tsp Tiger Bloom--- 12 tsp big bloom --- 5 tsp CaMg+ to 5 gallons water ec 1.0 3/8 plants seem to have ca mg def but not sure i have some curling tips pointing upward and brown spots on the edges and the leaves feel like paper and they...
  7. Johnnyblaze326

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    sorry to jump in on this are u saying all those times i watered and fed with nutes or no nutes that i should have waited and hour after adjusting ph to 6.5 for soil that everything can balance out ...hhhmmmmmmm.....
  8. Johnnyblaze326

    simple water question

    here is another thread that i started.. alot of info here about everything that is going will be easier than typing all the info over again ...please chime in
  9. Johnnyblaze326

    simple water question

    and the reason behind this?
  10. Johnnyblaze326

    simple water question

    well i went out and bought water from the store in 5 gallon containers insted of the well water which i think is causing problems for me ...bottled waters ph reads at 6.2 and ppm is at zero cause my tds meter doesnt read anything is this normal? Tds meter is a brand new blue lab meter... The...
  11. Johnnyblaze326

    i cant narrow the problem down a lil help (PICS)

    well i went out and bought water from the store in 5 gallon containers insted of the well water which i think is causing problems for me reads at 6.2 and ppm is at zero cause my tds meter doesnt ready anything is this normal? The water is by premo and this is what they put into it calcium...
  12. Johnnyblaze326

    i cant narrow the problem down a lil help (PICS)

    well they look pretty healthy today wouldnt ya know i think i was under feeding them oh well ...evertthing is good today besides i found a fucking herm aurora indica well i still have for of them and 4 nl.. i have 15 more to flower all behind each other to get that perpetual thing going lol i...
  13. Johnnyblaze326

    i cant narrow the problem down a lil help (PICS)

    well ive got a small problem comming in to flowering on my 3rd grow! i started 12/12 on 1-22-11 i have some curling tips pointing down and a couple curling up really pissing me off some newer growth doing some funky stuff too ...plz read info given and look at pics before giving false info plz i...