Recent content by Jonus

  1. Jonus

    How much CO2 do plants put out while they sleep???

    This comes from a belief that co2 receptors developed in c3 plants during a period (mesozoic) when co2 levels were much higher than they are now and o2 levels were much lower. You might be referring to photorespiration which is a process close to what you describe which assists plants to...
  2. Jonus

    What to do, extremely slow growth and could be dead

    That is exactly right. Secondly start your seedlings in smaller containers. Trying to propagate any seedlings in pots that are too big will cause them to sit in moisture for too long as the roots are unable to use up the moisture in a pot that size in any reasonable amount of time. Soggy roots...
  3. Jonus

    Help Please! Heat Stress??

    Just looks like shock to me. Give it a few more days, thats always the general rule.
  4. Jonus

    Fight Botrytis or Harvest early?

    If you live in a high botrytis area and you have access to serenade then it is best used about 2-4 weeks into flowering. Although, it is a naturally occurring bacteria and will eat itself to death on the botrytis leaving no visible residues. However it works best as a prevention rather than a...
  5. Jonus

    Help with plants

    As a general rule, if the strength of the salt content in your grow media (which we will call the E.C) exceeds that of the salt content in your plants roots and stem, then moisture will be leeched out of the plant rather than in. This happens irregardless of whether or not you have the pH...
  6. Jonus

    HELP!! This is frustrating.

    Firstly you want to find some proper seedling mix. Seedlingss do not need any nutrient or any other crap in the mix to kick them off. Secondly, choose a grow container that matches the size of your plants, in other words do not use a rather large pot to grow seedlings in. A 1 inch pot would be...
  7. Jonus

    Advice please ?

    It looks to me like it has been sitting for too long in over moist soil leaving the plant with little air to breath in via its roots during the respiration cycle plants go through when lights are out. With no o2 being able to be uptaken by roots, the carbohydrates break down into alcohol...
  8. Jonus

    is this root rot ? HELP ! (pics)

    Its best to use hydrogen peroxide every 4-5 days anyways irregardless of whether you have root rot or not. Prevention is by far the better option rather than having to deal with pythium. Take Moon Ravers advice and freeze up a stack of bottles. Drop them one at a time in the nutes during...
  9. Jonus

    Brown Spots

    What is the feeding regime times you are using in terms of the pump running.
  10. Jonus

    Issues with leaves

    What is the E.C and when was the last time you changed the res.
  11. Jonus

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    Can you tell us about your setup, saves people having to guess. Lighting, air intake, air extraction, pH, E.C, temps, soil type etc
  12. Jonus

    The Leaves Can't Be Too Perky?

    Tell us a bit more about your setup. Temps, lighting, air, E.C, pH etc.
  13. Jonus

    The Leaves Can't Be Too Perky?

    Was it doing this during veg?
  14. Jonus

    Red/pink stem(non main)?

    What strain is that, red stems are quite normal depending on the strain. But if it is not one of those strains....then going by the deep color in the fan leaves they may have a little too much nutrients for their liking. A light feed of 20/20/20 for small plants, in potting mix, can last them...
  15. Jonus

    DWC And lucas formula MAJOR help please, about to give up.

    Technically speaking you pretty much have everthing set correctly. Couple of more questions for you: - How are the roots looking? - What color are they, - Are they bushy or stringy, - Are there brown streaks through the roots or are they all fluffy white, - Can you get a picture of the...