Recent content by Josh3235

  1. Josh3235

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I got this last night. It's Sweet Tooth "Honeycomb". I also have a GSC shatter. I got it like a week ago and it's my favorite.
  2. Josh3235

    How long do you hold your hits in for?

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think your lungs do absorb more THC when you hold it in, but like somebody else already said that more tar also stays in there. I only hold hits in 4-5 seconds for bongs and i smoke blunts and joints like cigs.
  3. Josh3235

    Wake and Bake Suggestions

    I don't have any specific strains to suggest you, but you're going to want an almost pure sativa strain. But some still make you tired. I had a Jamaican me crazy wax last week and it's suppose to be pure sativa, and it was, but at the end of the high, I was tired. Maybe because I smoked a lot of...
  4. Josh3235

    What do you do when you have no more weed?

    Luckily I always have plenty of money, and have a dispensary three blocks away, so I never run out. Last time I ran out was before i had my MMJ prescription.
  5. Josh3235

    Should I smoke tomorrow?

    I would smoke today. I know that I wouldn't want to be hella baked while doing something painful like that. Idk if it is painful, I just assume it will be since they're removing a toenail.
  6. Josh3235

    KFC or Popeyes?

    I've never had popeyes, but that's what I would go with. KFC is nowhere nearly as good as it used to be. Like 10 years ago, my family and I loved it, now it's crap, well before it was crap cause all fast food is, but now it's even worse. lmao.
  7. Josh3235

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    There were 3 different versions of that same bong at the headshop. There is one that is clear and shorter and skinnier. And there is one thats the same but has color. And then there is the bigger one with color, and thats the one I got. 90% of people get the smaller one, it's 350$ for the...
  8. Josh3235

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    I just got a new MGW the other day, I got it for $500 and also got a nice ass case with it for free. It's a showerhead to circ perk with splash guard and ice notches. bongsmilie
  9. Josh3235

    Dirty Pickle............

    There is no excuses for them, well besides the pregnant girl. I'm 19 and I love keeping my things clean. If they get mad, whatever, they shouldn't get mad at you for being a clean person.
  10. Josh3235

    BHO - This is how it's done, ladies and gents.... ;)

    Oh fuck yeah, i hate resin. The wax resin was golden so I had to see if it was any good but I knew it wouldn't be that good because it's resin. Lol.
  11. Josh3235

    BHO - This is how it's done, ladies and gents.... ;)

    Alright, that's a good reason to use an extra can. Just gotta make sure you purge all the butane out. And it looks like you did. Glad to see another person that knows what they're doing. Lol. And nice oil rig! I'm getting a new piece sometime this week. My bong just has golden wax resin too...
  12. Josh3235

    BHO - This is how it's done, ladies and gents.... ;)

    Yeah, you did good. You just don't need to use that much butane next time. Now dab away dude! bongsmilie
  13. Josh3235

    heating up Titanium Nail with Electricity!!??

    I just use my propane torch that I got for 30$. And the tanks are like 5$ and last about a month.
  14. Josh3235

    Now this is what I call a BUZZZZZZ.

    The article said he was laying between the tracks. It's impossible to not get hit while laying across. lol. But it makes sense since he was laying between them. I would just expect a person to wake up from something like that though.
  15. Josh3235

    Now this is what I call a BUZZZZZZ.

    I was surprised he didn't wake up while the train was going over him. lol