Recent content by Jren437

  1. Jren437

    commonly available low THC, high CBD strain?

    When I said "mostly" I ment the 1:1 CBD to thc ratio. All the CBD crew strains I've tried have been great. Sounds like you might not like Autoflower strains (although I've had great luck and they do naturally have more CBD) so if that's the case avoid the Med GOM 1.0. But like I said before you...
  2. Jren437

    Funky teddy bear shaped cola

    From my last outdoor northern lights auto plant... Had 2 side colas do this double headed thing.... This one kinda looks like a teddy bear
  3. Jren437

    What Have You Tried?

    Mosquito bits... Non toxic, gets rid of them quick in combination with homemade yellow sticky pads. Jest yellow post it's with 2 sided tape... Always works for me
  4. Jren437

    Royal queen northern lights harvest day!

    Right about 10 weeks.... Give or take.... I'm not great about keeping track, they're done when they're done.... Still have one going outside it's starting to fatten up and yellow in the leaves in the last couple of days
  5. Jren437

    commonly available low THC, high CBD strain?

    There are a lot of 15:1 to 20:1 strains out there but you're not going to find seeds... Mostly clone only strains for now... The CBD crew stains are good but mostly 1:1. Depending on where you live T.J.'s organic gardens in Washington and Oregon supply medical shops with my favorite. It ranges...
  6. Jren437

    what kinds of weed high in CBDs will still get me high

    I mix a high CBD strain , like 20:1 CBD to thc with any heavy indica I feel like to have variety. Having that CBD base allows me to make a constant special blend for what I need day to day. Doesn't take much time either
  7. Jren437

    Marijuana for Ptsd?

    I've had great success with using a CBD tincture during the day and vaporizing a 1:1 CBD to thc flower mix before bed. I'm sleeping way better and nightmares are very infrequent now. High thc does increase my anxiety but the 1:1 really helps with the sleep.
  8. Jren437

    im out

    Where you at, I could help a bit
  9. Jren437

    So far so good with Dyna-gro

    I took homebrewers advice and ran foliage pro all the way until the last couple weeks of flower then switched to bloom for the last 2.5-3 weeks and I was very impressed. If you switch early without mixing in some N they will yellow quick... And my buds weren't popcorny...
  10. Jren437

    Royal queen northern lights harvest day!

    Thanks guys! Yeah I'm all about proper curing, and these were freebies from herbies and also my first autos and I am super impressed with them. The ease of grow on these was amazing! I pretty much did nothing... And I still have one more finishing up out side that looks good too. Didn't get as...
  11. Jren437

    Royal queen northern lights harvest day!

    chopped 2 of my 3 freebie royal queen northern lights from herbies this morning. The 3rd I'm letting finish up outside where I originally started them all. Brought them in a few weeks in due to severe rain... I'm pretty impressed, if it tastes as good as it smells I'll be happy!
  12. Jren437

    New grower, I need advice

    Nice! I'm just about ready to chop those northern lights... Another week or 2 I think... I still have one going out side but it was and still is kind of runty...pic doesn't give good scale but the big cola on the left plant is about as big around as my forearm... Didn't get as tall as I had...
  13. Jren437

    New grower, I need advice

    Way better than my first grow! Just make sure to dry and cure right, that'll help with he early chop.
  14. Jren437

    Help! Heat, def, or genetics?

    It has gotten more purple over the past couple of weeks gradually, the plant definitely have a few weeks to a month to go. I hope it's just genetics and not some weird problem I'm not familiar with...
  15. Jren437

    Help! Heat, def, or genetics?

    Yeah I mean other than the heat wave( which I now have under control) and a bit over fed a few feelings back they seem great...