Recent content by jumico441

  1. jumico441

    GLH Spectra 180W For Sale
  2. jumico441

    Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps

    Some kush I just got tonite
  3. jumico441

    Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps

    So I started my veg time one week after I planted my seeds directly in soil. I transplanted probably about 10 days ago. Unfortunately one of the girls died close to two weeks ago because of high heat due to the hps. I fixed that and got it down to 85-90 and am watering more regularly. Twice a...
  4. jumico441

    Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps

    So everything so far is going well. One plant is a little bit bigger than the other, but they both look healthy. I picked up some 3 gallon smart pots. I was lookin for 5 gallon, but they didn;t have any. I am planing on starting flowering at about two feet, so I figure it will get to about 4...
  5. jumico441

    Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps

    So here is a picture of them on day 8 and also and eighth of some nice blackberry kush i got today...Enjoy
  6. jumico441

    fox farm grow big

    I just picked up a bottle of Fox Farm's grow big and plan on using it in about 2-3 weeks. My plants is only one week and one day old today and are like 4 inches, very healthy looking. Is this a good time to add grow big if they are already planted in 70% ocean forest and 30% light warrior. I...
  7. jumico441

    Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps

    I just thought I would show off my girls. They look so beautiful and after I added an exhaust fan and switched both little fans to intake theres alot more air circulation going on. Hope you enjoy. I also just got some fire diesel got some pics below.
  8. jumico441

    Super Lemon Haze 125cfl/150hps

    DAY 4 Light: 125 cfl 6500k hydrafarm reflector 18 hours on/6 hours off. 4AM-10PM. I also got my 150hps sun system for flowering and that thing is a beast. Fans: 2 80mm computer exhaust fans, 1 for intake, 1 for exhaust. Waiting on a 9 inch honeywell to use as exhaust and then both mini fans...
  9. jumico441

    125 cfl germ

    so today is day 3 and both of the girls have germed. one is popping her head above soil and the other one is just barely below the surface, so happy...ill post some new pics at the end of first week
  10. jumico441

    125 cfl germ

    yes i am on an 18-6 light schedule to the lights are ff from 10pm-4am. 6 hours.
  11. jumico441

    125 cfl germ

    Hey everyone. So I started my two SLH seeds the other day. I soaked them in distilled water from Thursday 4pm-Fri 4 AM then I put them in 2 little starter pot with 70% ocean forest and 30%light warrior. I then turned on the lights from 4am - 10 pm. my area is 2' x 1.5' x 6' and it is light...
  12. jumico441

    slh indoor 125 cfl/ 150 hps

    So i just soaked my slh seeds for 12 hours and transplanted them into a 70% oceant forest 30% light warrior mix.The lights just came on at 4 am- 10 pm. heres how it is lookin so far. I sealed the light in with the double sided velcro on each side of the mylar and barely any is getting out. I was...
  13. jumico441

    new grow

    wow. that's awesome. i think ima use my cfl till i do that and then after i top at the 2nd true node switch to the anticipation build my seeds get closer and closer. i cant wait. if i only i treat my future wife an kids like i am going to treat my plant i will have a happy family lol
  14. jumico441

    new grow

    as the days get closer, i get more prepared.... all i need now are the seeds ,yo yo system, and honeywell fan. I am also gonna cover up where the light gets out with either some weathering shit or just mylar cuz i have some left. heres wht i got
  15. jumico441

    new grow

    yaa im on the eastern end of the us n i got stealth so im hopin at most 2 weeks....they got sent out on wed n there here in the u.s. today so hopefully us americans can be as quick as the redcoats