Recent content by jwik

  1. J

    RSO Experience. Advice needed.

    Hi fskitch, I'm not doubting you for one second. Like you, I decarboxylated the RSO before making the rub. I'll do as you suggest and try it again and see what happens. I think I'll try it during the day this time. I'll let you know how I got on. Thanks again.
  2. J

    RSO Experience. Advice needed.

    Hi fskitch, Thanks for the reply. I certainly didn't ingest any of this. I just rubbed some on my shoulder for pain. You've obviously read my original post, and , like you say, I've read that you can't get high from topical applications and that is why I applied some of the salve to my shoulder...
  3. J

    RSO Experience. Advice needed.

    Thank you Snoopy for the sound advice. Stay well.
  4. J

    RSO Experience. Advice needed.

    Thanks for the reply Snoopy. I'm sure I read somewhere that you can't get "High" when applied topically on the skin. I certainly proved that statement wrong. I got a bit of a fright when I had the reaction I did from the salve. The second thing that concerns me is the salve I made was from what...
  5. J

    RSO Experience. Advice needed.

    I made some RSO for the first time and I would appreciate any comments/advice on what I experienced using this. This is my first attempt at making RSO and I think I burned it during the process thus destroying some of its medicinal properties. I ended up with about 5 grams of RSO and decided to...
  6. J

    RSO advice needed.

    Thanks for the advice. I don't have a vacuum filter but I'm guessing it speeds up the process somewhat.
  7. J

    RSO advice needed.

    Thanks fskitch. Can bud be decarbed before alcohol soak?
  8. J

    RSO advice needed.

    Hi CK, Thanks for the prompt reply. What's your opinion of decarbing in a pressure cooker instead of an oven?
  9. J

    RSO advice needed.

    I have a few questions regarding the making of RSO. Is it necessary to dry buds before making RSO or can fresh buds be used? Given that I don’t intend to smoke any of this, is there an optimum time to soak the buds in solvent? I’ve read that soaking buds too long increases the amount of...
  10. J

    First Time Grower’s Experience and Observations

    Yes Rookie, I was happy with first grow. I've just started my second grow and I don't think I'll change much, except making a better fist of mainlining. More experienced growers here might suggest some nutrient changes to achieve a better yield but I don't know enough about it to change anything...
  11. J

    First Time Grower’s Experience and Observations

    First up, this is not a blow by blow grow journal but more how I went about certain things and my experiences throughout the grow. Decide what you hope to achieve. Smoke, High, Pain relief, medicinal etc Research and select the strain you think will achieve this. High Indica, sativa or both etc...
  12. J

    Cannabis Oil Extraction Question

    Hi Fadedawg, Thanks for the reply. I don't have a problem with removing the plant material it was the next step I wasn't sure of. The water distiller I had intended to use to evaporate / distill the alcohol has broken down so I have to wait to get a new one. I'll have the"tincture", if that's...
  13. J

    Cannabis Oil Extraction Question

    I'm doing an extraction for the first time and I have a question regarding the process. After I've soaked the buds in alcohol how long will this alcohol solution keep before I need to distill it to evaporate the alcohol? Thanks.
  14. J

    Cannabis Salve Question

    Hi Everyone, I intend to make some cannabis salve/cream using RSO mixed with coconut oil, olive oil etc. Is it possible to make this salve too strong? Does it get to a point where adding more RSO is just an overkill without any real benefit.
  15. J

    Advice need with this plant

    Thanks SOG, I'll take your advice.