Recent content by K J

  1. K J

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Trash it it dead.
  2. K J

    Accidentally squirted half the syringe into one innoculation jar

    It'll just colonize waaaaaaaaay faster.
  3. K J

    Should you sterilize perlite between uses in a shotgun FC?

    I fruited in a shotgun a while ago and it's been sitting there since. Do I need to sterilize the perlite before I use it again? If so how would I go about that? I read you can bake it in the oven but there's so much perlite no way in hell I'm doing all that. Is there a more convenient method?
  4. K J


    He's dumb? You're the idiot speaking gibberish.
  5. K J

    preparing the plants for flowering

    Loli popping isn't a new concept. It's just one of those things that everyone has a different opinion on, some folk say it does more harm than good, some swear by it. If you do decide to do it though give it a week or two to recover before flipping to 12/12. It does look like that guy in the...
  6. K J

    I DID IT! Thanks Everyone Jock horror auto 1000 wat 1000g

    Cool story bro uber interesting. You grew a plant, nobody here's ever done anything like that at all. Hahaha for real though glad it worked out for ya.
  7. K J

    Question about curing

    Mold loves moist environments so yeah you're fine.
  8. K J

    how should i tend to my plant?

    Yeah dude that's stretchy as hell get some damn light on that bitch.
  9. K J

    help me with sexing

    Hahahaha I love these posts. Hey guys, look at this picture that you can't see shit in and tell me what I want to know with no visual of the preflowers at all what so ever.
  10. K J

    Seedling New Leaf Question

    The new growth is abundant and everything seems ok? Shit man that's not good at all. You want there to be no new growth and for it to look like it's dying, that's how you know it's healthy.
  11. K J

    can i make her bud???

    4 whole fucking days? Wow it's never going to bud. Just throw it away you could wait for years.
  12. K J

    How fucking long till harvest?

    3 fucking years.
  13. K J

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    Top to get 4 then tie down, more branches for the others to sprout from seems faster.
  14. K J

    How is my plant looking?

    Boil that shit