Recent content by kanas3

  1. K

    best way to protect root rot from the beginning

    @GBAUTO hey man thanks for comment.
  2. K

    best way to protect root rot from the beginning

    @Darkoh69 dude i know, just stfu
  3. K

    best way to protect root rot from the beginning

    Hey guys, this is my first grow and my plants are fcked beacuse of root rot. i made some serious mistake like putting seaweed in rez, changing the rez more then 2 times in 3 week so i can tell i deserve it but its good side im learning a lot so its worth. i was trying to fix them with h2o2 buts...
  4. K

    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    what was i thinking really i dont know bunch of organic stuff throwing to rez and ofc root rot. i see one grower on diaries use same nuts gh flora series and seaweed and his plants really seems fine i dont know
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    i cant buy hydroguard even if i want to becacuse in my country this item can not be found. and yes this is root rot my plants are pretty mess right now. maybe im going to throw them out or i dont know im pretty sad. im going to buy orca tomorrow
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    ok man thanks for the tips
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    Yeah really somethings going on, now seems to be have Light stress (impossible 55cm distance to Light 50wx8 dob led) and something going on with leaves @harrythehat
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    sure man thanks, just a min
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    @harrythehat im pretty sure its start of root rot now. i dont avaible hydroguard. so im thinkging cure with h2o2
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    yep its turning brown now, i change the rez and let see. DONT ADD ORGANİC INTO YOUR BUCKET PLS
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    can seaweed change the roots colours? or they old enough for the yellow roots?
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    @harrythehat thanks for the comment man. im notsure maybe just a bit...
  13. K

    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    if u asking pump, 240l/hour min, 12.5cm air stone. but i dont think problem anything about pump, yesterday seems fine but after seaweed roots looks strange. its dark green color nut. i hope seaweed change the roots colour nothing else. pls save me from this situation mates. im really freaking out
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    is this start of root root? im freaking out

    Guys im scared... my plants (bubblegum kush auto) are 22 days old and i use gh flora series micro grow bloom. i cut my 2 leaves yesterday so add some gh seaweed (2ml/l, gh chart says 5ml/l) for stress. and roots seems to be different today. this is my first grow, i dont know what to do, any...
  15. K

    Brown spots on leaves DWC

    @GBAUTO thanks for the comment mate, roots seems fine to me , i dont think she has any stress or something like that. i hope its ca def