Recent content by keico

  1. keico

    400 watt HPS over heating issues

    To cool a 400 watt HPS just does not depend on the fans CFM rating but the temperature of the air moving through the cooltube. Remember fans that move a lot of air can be noisy, so if noise is not the issue then I would say go with 235cfm fan. If noise is an issue I would say get a squirrel...
  2. keico

    is it time for a new pot?

    That looks like a 1 quart pot. I say yes its time to repot
  3. keico

    Using honey instead of molasses

    Although some growers use honey, and will attest to its effectiveness, I say stick with what works. Molasses is accepted and has already proven itself throughout the entire growing community
  4. keico

    Sprouting question

    As long as your temps keep the soil warm, I would say lights off. If it gets cold, I would use the lights at least to keep the soil warm. Just make sure the soil does not dry out
  5. keico

    What's the problem???

    Black cinders are lava rocks. They should not be used for any application where you are planting. They are used primarily in landscaping I would assume you are using black cinders in place of perlite. Not a good idea Your plants are definitely suffering from nute burn, that is obvious...
  6. keico

    Calling All Expert Growers ! rescue mission and experiment !

    Some pics of the plant my get you some more responses. Also if the plant had to be rescued and is 4 months old with only two leaves, it has probably been stressed beyond belief. Saving it is a good thing, but it might just be a hermie, from all the stress
  7. keico

    Im looking for quick harvest & with decent yeild strains.

    I would suggest AK47 Easy to grow and fast finishers, plus the smoke is great
  8. keico

    enter and look at new hps hood

    Another great DIY. Shows what you can when you put your mind to it.
  9. keico

    3 to 4 week old seedlings too small?

    I agree with the above 3-4 weeks they should be much bigger. Some questions for you. ? How far away is the lights, and what is your temperature also I also see you your seedling are suffering from nute burn. That soil is to hot for seedings. The super soil is to be used after you have...
  10. keico

    400 watt HPS over heating issues

    If I read your post correctly, do you have the ballast in the box ? If so get it out of there. Also trying to fit all that in the box, is not going to leave that much room for the plants to grow. You might need to rethink your setup
  11. keico

    need advise

    Northernhighs please tell me about what type of soil yo are using. That was one thing you never mentioned
  12. keico

    400w HPS Phillips vs Sylvanna

    You know this subject of bulbs has been discussed so many times. Over and over and over For the newbie - Start out simple. Don't dump a lot of money into things, just because someone says it is a better product. With standard MH/HPS bulbs, your plant will grow. Soil, light, ventilation...
  13. keico

    need advise

    Being that you have pretty much added a lot of nutes already, chances are you won't need to add any more. During the last weeks of flowering you want the plant to use up there reserve energy, stored in the leaves. You don't want the plant to have full lush green leaves at the end. You will...
  14. keico

    Anyone know of a bottled water with the correct PH??

    If you use tap water make sure you let it sit uncovered for 24 hours so the chlorine can evaporate
  15. keico

    need advise

    Hope the advice helps