Recent content by Kiah

  1. K

    Mycorrhizae or a bad fungus?

    Okay mate, thanks for the info. Will sort it out asap.
  2. K

    Mycorrhizae or a bad fungus?

    Hey, so I’ve been growing for a couple of years, popped a new seed a few days ago and this has started to form (see photo). What do I do? I’ve not changed anything, the cup was washed out prior to planting and fresh bag of soil (same soil i always use too). Some is a yellow/green colour? And...
  3. K

    Pruning and growth question

    Yeah I took my first clones ever this go round :) got 12 extra babies. I had some sick scrog setup in mind and just wondered before I started cutting stuff out.
  4. K

    Pruning and growth question

    Haha they are certainly allowed atm :p Yeah I’ve seen they pop back up in flower, just wondering whether I could get them back in veg. Thanks mate!
  5. K

    Pruning and growth question

    Hey, So I’m just wondering if and how long it takes for a shoot to grow back once you’ve cut it off. Say I snipped the shoots from the 10th node on the plant, how long would it take for these to start growing again? Would they at all? thanks in advance
  6. K

    First time growing shrooms

    Thanks :)
  7. K

    First time growing shrooms

    Hey! so I’ve just ordered my first kit. My understanding is that it need minimum 23c constant temperature. I have my tent up, which would be perfect. I do have 2 plants growing in there tho (I don’t know if that would affect it, having to be sterile and all). my question is, can I put the...
  8. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    Hmm; okay I’ll try and forget about it for now then. See how it goes for a month or so :)
  9. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    well I guess I need to test the PH of the run off to see what I’ve done. Maybe it’s too low since I’ve been doing it myself and I’ve overdone it maybe.
  10. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    Early mate. Think they were a bit dry last night, watered this morning then took the photo straight away. Been droopy since yesterday. Will see how she’s doing when I get home.
  11. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    oh right okay, never read anything about not ph’ing water for soil. Any recommended reads for a newbie? I’ve spent hours reading up and reading books about it. Everything says to PH the water haha. Also, what do you mean by buffer PH?
  12. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    oh okay haha thanks for the advice mate. What I’ll do then in a couple days is just give a nice water so I get a bit of run off and see what’s going on. Btw the pictures were taken at 6am. So the lights had been on for an hour. Can’t remember who mentioned it :p
  13. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    My temp ranges from 23c to 26c in the day.
  14. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    Oh okay nice one mate, I’ll try this and see how it works out for me. i have been waiting for the top soil to dry out before I’ve been watering again, it’s only my fourth time so I seem to struggle with the first month. Maybe the PH has got super low.
  15. K

    Droopy plant, help please?

    I’ll have a look, it’s a brand new pen and was calibrated 2 weeks ago. Will have to get some more solution. I’ll try a little lower PH :) I ph my water right before it goes into the pot. I’ll water to run off and test it when they need watering next.