Recent content by killakron

  1. K

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    as long as you have lots of air bubbles in the water i'd keep the water line right at the lowest roots, possibly even lower by a tiny fraction. I find this encourages growth as the roots reach for the water. Once the roots reach the water the start growing different, longer and thicker rather...
  2. K

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    i've been using floralicious plus, to get more fungi, and was wondering how much you would recommend. its the really concentrated stuff, and has a NPK of like 2-.01-.2 or something like that
  3. K

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    thanks heis, good luck with that brown stuff. I tried my black tea water unfiltered full strength, well see how that goes. I had a good idea, next time i brew i'm gonna use the paper towel method for my humus, then once i'm done i'm gonna ammend my soil with the humus, i figure it must be...
  4. K

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    also ive read some other recipies and i put 1 cup of ancient forrest, i cup of wiggle worms, small scoop of sub culture m and b, ~10ml of floralicious plus, ~5 mils each of floralnectar both fruitnfusion and pineapplerush, few drops of blackstrap, 1 tsp of PBP and LK(last time for these) handful...
  5. K

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    i know your general rule is if it smells ok its ok, but what negative effects do these ferts have on the tea, I was thinking because of all the chelates and humic acid in these i would help feed the fungi to make fungi dominant tea.. live learn and grow i guess
  6. K

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    hey heisenburgh your the man like someone said a few pages back, a superhero. your advice is always spot on with no unimportant opinions, always stating the extent of your knowledge instead of making stuff up like many people do. thanks a ton for everything in this post. had a quick question...
  7. K

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    medi this is great info i dont see anyone talkin about on here or thcfarmer. I've been rereading that long post and i'm trying to figure out the steps to lowering my pH while adding more effective buffer capacity. Would a mix of tap and RO ( with added calcium carbonate) effectively lower the...
  8. K

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    oh yeah and i'm using roots excel too. I was curoius tho as to weather it can breed in my UC water. and if it would be good to put in the tea. or if i should only run it in the totes, or only in the netpots. what microbes are in roots excel does anyone know? plan was aquashield and roots excel...
  9. K

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    Let me start with saying this is one of the most informative threads ive found, thanks so much for taking your time to share this info. i'm using H and G aqua flakes they say for the best stability add A wait 15 mins add B wait 15 mins pH adjust then add additives. I am running an undercurrent...
  10. K

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    wait so are you saying that i can brew beneficials in my tap water?? so the chlorine and chloamines dont kill these microbes? I am going to run an undercurrent with beneficials, would my tap water be ok then. my ppms are between 160 and 210 pH is 7.5 or higher
  11. K

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hi i have some questions i was hoping u all could help with, any help would be greatly appreciated as i am a complete noob with electrical shit, but good with my hands so i figure i'll give it a shot. I'm trying to run 6 600 watt lights on a timer and was wondering if it would be better to get...
  12. K

    Dwc Grow Club

    newb here, first post. was curious of a few things that probably got naswered in these 7 hundred something pages but was hoping someone could save me months of my life haa. How big can dwc grow in 5 gals and how tall would you get them in veg before switching to grow them as big as easily...
  13. K

    The Daily Bud

    no doubt on that low yielding trend the smallest plants also seem to have the most concentration of flavor, and as you let the buds swell the flavor seems to exponentially decrease