Recent content by KingJMS

  1. K

    Cowboys are going down!

    it's nice that the steelers could join the rarefied ranks of the elite...they got to 5 a few years ago, and now, join in the hunt for 6. Cowboys, Steelers, 49'rs and Pats... any other team fanboy should go buy some of their team's gear. Show some support, buy some gear, and your team may be...
  2. K

    Busted 4 days after 420

    FB...thanks for posting. this's been an emotional thread, and not just for me, it seems. your troubles have brought this community closer, I think, in some ways. I'm just glad to see you made it thru the kangaroo courts w/o too much trouble, beyond the stress of the event. so silly to...
  3. K

    How much will i yield?

    Well, if you're going 12/12 straight from seed, I don't know that you're doing all you can to maximize yield... yield variables include: useable light, available nutrients, air, temp, strain, medium, three or four things I can't think of, and probably three or four dozen things I don't even...
  4. K

    keeping my heat up...yes thats right

    these heaters are specially designed to heat WATER, not air. they'll work to keep your reservoir temps up, if you're running hydro, but I doubt they'd be either efficient or very effective in heating your tent. That said, my knowledge of thermodynamics is poor. those fishtank heaters may...
  5. K

    keeping my heat up...yes thats right

    i like the cheap heaters at any big box retailer. if you get one with bright LEDs or a backlit readout, you may have mask it...the light from the LEDs in an otherwise dark room, may be enougth candlepower to mess off your flower cycle. another option, since you have a relatively small space to...
  6. K

    Side-by-Side Stealth Closet Grow - PPP & SW Fem Nirvana

    if you pull air thru a carbon filter and then thru a sealed reflector hood, you may end up cleaning the glass in your hood regularly...carbon dust. I'm sure lots of folks do it...i'm just saying. I was gonna do the same thing till I started thinking about it for a while. I went ahead and got...
  7. K

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    awesome buds, holmes! I can't wait till my PPP's look like that! much love.
  8. K

    DwR's +20 Plant Grow

    your ish's looking good, always. :clap: shepards makin me hungry, holmes. looking forward to the updates... be well.:leaf:
  9. K

    Side-by-Side Stealth Closet Grow - PPP & SW Fem Nirvana

    lol...great looking grow, holmes! it's all biomechanical and shit, to me; each plant has a couple tubes, but they all snake about like the matrix... ...I just smoked, but damn! that looks great! what's your total investment, so far? i wish I woulda studied more cats like yourself before...
  10. K

    Feminized Pure Power Plant with CFL's

    kiss-ass you make me happy, doc. still trying to get that cord from Mom...kinda. :mrgreen: you know how it goes... you're looking good, either way. I agree with the cat that said underfeed vs. overfeed your nutes... do like you said and start at 1/8 strength and step it up 1/8 every other...
  11. K

    Feminized Pure Power Plant with CFL's

    looking bright, holmes. :blsmoke: what wattage did you end up going with? i'm at day 28 of Veg on my PPP...still no sign of gender. how long did you veg? did your ppp show sex before you switched to flower? if so, do you remember about when they showed? I mean, I know they're feminized...but...
  12. K

    Water With Dr. Pepper?

    i use steel reserve...40oz for me, 40oz for mary...:clap: troll? :shock:
  13. K

    Feminized Pure Power Plant with CFL's

    it's a lofty goal...but we should all aim high. :clap: how tall're your ppp now? how tall is your max ht?
  14. K

    Before & After pics .... Ouch

    :shock:... where's that goddamn nichole richie pic? cause that chick got fat, fast... that is an impressive yield, holmes. i'mma have to go back and see how many plants yielded those 19... mmm...jolly good show! :clap::clap: especially considering the way it all kicked off... say...i...
  15. K

    Feminized Pure Power Plant with CFL's

    surely you jest...I agree that the ppp look healthy... and I'm certainly no expert, but 6oz/plant seems wildly optimistic, imho.