Recent content by klassenkid

  1. klassenkid

    4x4 vertical scrog

    in your reply box theres a spot on the top with a Insert image button, it give you this You can also use, get an account and upload your photos onto it (you can make it private) copy the "IMG Link" that is below the photos and paste it in this text box. Then you get this...
  2. klassenkid

    DWC 1st Grow Journal Caramelicious + Mystery seed

    If you are less familiar with nutes VX420's statement is a good idea for the first 2 - 3 weeks, you can't fail starting on the light side
  3. klassenkid

    ph question?

    Can i see a pictures of your set-up? PH can fluctuate really fast in water with no solutions to stabilize it, my guess would be the hydroton is what also caused your PH to drop. Especially if you just rinsed them in some lower ph water.
  4. klassenkid

    1000 watt x 19 Lights.... White Widow

    Well looks like this is done....... I dont want to even talk about it but im guessing you will all be waiting for pictures if i dont.. :wall: We had a break in and gets better.. Not one peace of equipment was stolen. Want to know the kicker that makes that irrelevant? They trashed everything...
  5. klassenkid

    400w HPS Blueberry grow

    Aaahhhh No way, i read that part now....... I started skimming and just read about the gun license part.. Now that part makes sence :-| Thanks for the bump.
  6. klassenkid

    HydroGEN PRO Water-Cooled CO2 Generator

    Yeah my cost is 40 dollars to fill a 20lb tank of CO2, Its not that cheap here in Canada. Plus my grow room is 8000cuft.... Im thinking compressed is out of the question. Where as a 20lb tank full of compressed Co2 will only last about 12 hours, a generator with a 5lb propane tank will last...
  7. klassenkid

    1000 watt x 19 Lights.... White Widow

    Many changes are about to unravel, we soon will be dropping a curtain between where are walkway and reservoirs sit and the actual grow room. Taping up as many air leaks as humanly possible without Nasas help. Adding a second intake and exhaust for our inline lights since the last 8 lights are...
  8. klassenkid

    HydroGEN PRO Water-Cooled CO2 Generator

    Hello fellow growers :leaf: Im looking for the best CO2 generator for my needs I love to find the most efficient and beneficial equipment, yet still affordable to the average user. Threw heavy searching this seems to be it....
  9. klassenkid

    My pineapple express 6k watt, co2 sealed room

    very exciting, Nice looking buds :)
  10. klassenkid

    400w HPS Blueberry grow

    I know this is a few months old but i just wanted to say great job, read the whole thing. It was sad how little responses you got for some of your questions. What was your harvest?
  11. klassenkid

    4x4 vertical scrog

    If you are going with an open light then having it run at night is always a good option to help you fight heat. Other than that just make it work for your schedule
  12. klassenkid

    Stunted seedlings...

    green algea is harmless, its just more of a mess
  13. klassenkid

    4x4 vertical scrog

    I forgot to answer your efficiency questions, If you want the most out our of your plants let me give you one big tip. C02 enhancing - People who turn a blind eye to it are the ones who have never tried it. -It has given me 25% bigger buds than a previous replica of a grow. -Plants can handle...
  14. klassenkid

    Early diagnosis......

    With rockwool and hydroton its nice to have your water running already, the pump isnt that bad on electricity and your plant will love the flowing water. The only thing that was ailing her was lack of water at a certain point. Im going to have to disagree with Harley. Dont back off on the...