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  • New here. First grow. Let me know how I'm doing. Started as fem seed. Ended up with six girls. Veg under grow lux Florence and Dr Otte lite CFLs were only about a foot when I switched pots and put them under 1000 watt hps. Switched lighting from 24 too 12/12 gradually over two weeks. Plants shot up too about 3 feet. Been flowering for three:)! Using MG liquid plant food half strength. " I know a big no no" but it's working we'll. as well I just broke up some jobes food spikes 4/4/4 around the top of the soil befor I water. have some compost going, gonna make a nice tea for there next feed. Should I continue with the MG as well? Gonna put up pics as soon as I figure out how??? Lol. And right after I find my lighter and smoke this. :)!
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