Recent content by KushMaster421

  1. K

    Afrodite from Kannabia

    Just began germination, Probably start a thread after this.
  2. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Sorry I haven't been around lately. La Diva is doing amazing at 24". Flowering has initiated and based on growth rates, 3 weeks from harvest. I'd have to look at the posts to get the exact date but we're all capable of simple math so I'll leave it to you. Pics tomorrow. I promise.
  3. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Sorry I missed the upload yesterday, but seeing the difference 11 days makes keeps me happy. I've made a few changes to the aetup. New reservoir (5 gal tote), 24/0 light cycle vs the 18/6 I started with and a slightly heavier concentration of grow nutrients. Once flowering has started I plan to...
  4. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Thanks. I appreciate the positive feedback!
  5. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Day 10 If growth continues at this rate I'll be extremely happy!
  6. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    I'm taking another pic tomorrow, you'll love it :D
  7. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Quick update, root tip grew 5 inches in the last 24 hours and are now suspended in the oxygenated nutrient solution. Never seen roots developed this rapidly. New pics in like 2 days.
  8. K

    T5 lighting?

    I used HO T-5s in a 2x4 darkroom throughout the entire life cycle and was extremely happy. It was a 4ft 4bulb fixture, put off an incredible amount of light, produced little to no heat and is able to basically sit directly on the plants.
  9. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Looks good Donewith, I'm also curious to see how the two compare. The root tip emerged from the bottom of the net cup this morning, and over the last 7-8 hours has grown about an inch! The root tip should be touching the solution by tomorrow. Once that happens I'll boost the nutrients up, add...
  10. K

    plant is very lanky and in flowering stage why isnt it bushy?

    I'll second that. Skunks tend to be Sativa dominant. In addition it looks like you're lacking substantial light, I suggest mylar on the walls surrounding the plant.
  11. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    I'm really surprised at the growth rate, especially in relation to the light I have it under at the moment.
  12. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    Right now its in a simple micro DWC consisting of 12Qt Sterilite plastic tub, 3" net cup and 2 air stones connected to a small dual outlet air pump. If I recall correctly it puts out about 120 gph. Right now she's under a 23W CFL with a 3500K color temp. Fear not! I'll be changing to a 125W CFL...
  13. K

    La Diva Auto start to finish

    This is my first autoflower grow and I wanted to show it off through the stages. Feel free to ask questions or post comments. I'll post new pics at Day 10 and every ten days after that to show growth. Day 5