That’s not good! That soil looks pretty thick and probably not draining correctly. Don’t touch it for a bit and see if it bounces back but looks like a candidate for root rot and this point unfortunately.
Yes go ahead and water them. The soil should be draining correctly now with the addition of the perlite. They should perk right back up shortly. Should see a difference within a day or so.
They have enough food do not fertilize anymore. If you can take them out of the pot and shake some of the dirt off the roots with out damaging many. Mix some perlite with your current medium and replant. Do not water to much and let the roots take hold that should solve your issue.
What medium/fertilizer are you using? The problem is with your roots looks like the root tips are burning off for some reason? If your trying an organic mix the soil maybe to hot (over fertilized).
I don’t think this is bugs but a better picture would help.