Recent content by Kushumpeng

  1. Kushumpeng

    Leaves with brown rusty spots

    Maybe watering to much. Back off on the watering and the might stop the spread.
  2. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    Leave em alone for a bit. Make sure your temps are good and the roots don’t get cold.
  3. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    I don’t think your giving them enough water
  4. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    Or is that soil still dry? Hard to tell from the pics
  5. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    That’s not good! That soil looks pretty thick and probably not draining correctly. Don’t touch it for a bit and see if it bounces back but looks like a candidate for root rot and this point unfortunately.
  6. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    Yes go ahead and water them. The soil should be draining correctly now with the addition of the perlite. They should perk right back up shortly. Should see a difference within a day or so.
  7. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    2-3 cups
  8. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    Perlite with loosen up and aerate the soil the lime will balance the Ph.
  9. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    No don’t flush just mix the perlite evenly throughout the soil with Dolomite lime
  10. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    Oh and mix in a couple Tbs of Dolomite lime
  11. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    Doesn’t look like your soil is draining properly or getting oxygen to the roots.
  12. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    They have enough food do not fertilize anymore. If you can take them out of the pot and shake some of the dirt off the roots with out damaging many. Mix some perlite with your current medium and replant. Do not water to much and let the roots take hold that should solve your issue.
  13. Kushumpeng

    How many weeks of bloom is it for sativas

    Anywhere from 10 weeks to 24+. Depends on the strain 100% landrace Sativa typically take the longest. hope that helps
  14. Kushumpeng


    What’s the humidity? Maybe bud rot in there too!
  15. Kushumpeng

    Help !

    What medium/fertilizer are you using? The problem is with your roots looks like the root tips are burning off for some reason? If your trying an organic mix the soil maybe to hot (over fertilized). I don’t think this is bugs but a better picture would help.