Recent content by Ladyemoore

  1. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Heck yea! All of this is great info, appreciate it hun :)
  2. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Its a debt collecting company and I live in Texas
  3. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    I was going to use my friends pee
  4. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    They rescheduled my drug test for tomorrow... Which will at least give me more time
  5. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Its for a job interview... Well they said I'm already hired but I have to do the drug test to complete the process
  6. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Lmao geeez....ok serious yall think a pill bottle that is completely full is enough pee for a drug test?
  7. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Or maybe I can find someone else that's drug free..but I will sooo be more prepared next time
  8. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    I smoked earlier today
  9. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Well the pee is in a pill bottle but I read somewhere that I would need more than that...not sure what kind of test it will be, its for a job
  10. L

    Newbie here needing helllpppp

    Newbie here needing helllpppp
  11. L

    Need help with drug test *newbiehere

    Ok so I have a drug test tomorrow and obviously I can't pass it with my own pee so I got ahold of someone who I know don't smoke...long story short she has already left and I don't think it will be enough pee..what do I do???