Left On Green

We fight the good fight, for Federal legalization and taxation of Marijuana

We are here for one simple reason - to defend our rights as citizens. To stand loudly and proudly and to not go quietly into that dark knight. (see what i did there?) We will be hosting fun facts for our fellow countrymen to see, so we can all be well informed. There is nothing to fear except fear itself. Together we stand united, we have a voice, it's about time it was heard. Legalize it, for it can have a wonderful outcome for us all, in the longrun.

No longer will we idly stand by and let ignorant officials tell us what should be illegal when they know nothing about it. Your misunderstanding is classified as ignorance, and didn't your parents ever tell you "How do you know if you don't like it, until you tried it?" I suppose that you never liked vegetables as a child, and since you never tried them, you hate them for the stigma that they carry with other children, so you want to make them illegal too?

We will be visiting the irony of legalization on Prescription Pills, Tobacco and Alcohol, starting with the history, the rebirth, and the aftermath. Make an informed decision before you point a judgmental finger at anyone. EVERYONE deserves a fraction of understanding and compassion. With so many right turns, we are going in a constant circle, we believe it's finally time to make a Left Turn. Legalize it!
Nov 18, 1979 (Age: 44)
United States of America


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