Recent content by lewis T

  1. lewis T

    Grow experiment

    ill ask at the grow shop i go to not tried anything like that yet just used bloom nutes cheers dude
  2. lewis T

    need help with light cycle asap

    i'm by no means an expert but i'd just put them straight back into there regular cycle as they'll be well in flower mode and should be ok if it only happened once. we had a power cut for 2 days on my last grow. i just let them go back into there cycle and had no probs because of it. some...
  3. lewis T

    need help with light cycle asap

    hi how long have they been in flower for?
  4. lewis T

    Grow experiment

    cheers dude is that just for hydro grows or can it be used in soil to ?
  5. lewis T

    Grow experiment

    wicked i thought thats what might happen. what about flowering times and stuff nutes that sort of thing ? was it simalar to a normal ish grow?
  6. lewis T

    Grow experiment

    i'm trying an experiment with one of my pukka skunk seeds i'm flowering straight out of the propogator !!! The plant is squat and bushy but after 3 weeks in flower still no signs of sex ???? the other plants i've grown have taken this long but then they had been matured a bit first. i can't wait...
  7. lewis T

    2nd grow

    Cheers matey i've been tryin to upload more recent foto's but it keeps kicking me out
  8. lewis T

    2nd grow

    found 2 males. 1 didn't germinate
  9. lewis T

    2nd grow

    Hello. Just thought I'd share some pictures of my second grow in the bud box. We're flowering under a 400w HPS light. About 5 weeks in to flowering. We're using Canna organic soil and Canna flowering nutrients. Started off with 6 seeds and found 3 females, 1 is a bag seed from some really nice...
  10. lewis T

    First Grow, 5 weeks in

    oH MAN I'm so happy, trouble is been a bit of a blur since the harvest. Smoked about 2 Oz already ! Cheers for all your help, I can't wait to start my next grow. :joint: We got the light from our local "garden centre" grow well hydroponics. :peace:
  11. lewis T

    First Grow, 5 weeks in

    Happy new year all i harvested during the christmas holiday it took so long and was so sticky my fingers ached so bad after but it was so worth it !! i cleaned and strung out the budbox readying it for drying my buds just over a week later they were ready, the leaves had changed colour...
  12. lewis T

    First grow, first journal

    Hi, just wondered how many weeks you are in now. Are you still using the enviro light ? I switched to a growlux HPS and my plants went mental. It's alot harder to control temperature and humidity but it cost me about £140 with all the accesories but my buds wouldn't be anything near what they...
  13. lewis T

    First Grow, 5 weeks in

    Wow thanks, very wise words by the sound of them. It's difficult to know when I find myself wanting to pick them every day but waiting till the next. I know their not ready yet but already they look and smell better than anything we buy ! I think they may have another week, maybe 2. That'll...
  14. lewis T


    Cheers father Jack I'm gonna get me a micro scope and play it that way I think. I'm growing in soil with organic nutes so don't think I'll bother flushing maybe a couple of days. The strain should flower in 7 weeks but ours are half way through week 7 and are very big so taking a bit longer to...
  15. lewis T

    First Grow, 5 weeks in

    cool thanks dude. This is a very involved hobby and I'm constantly learning. By the way I love your set up, loks real professional. When would you suggest I harvest ?