Recent content by lex

  1. lex

    what to do with a hemaphrodite???

    so one of my outdoor beauties appears to be a hemaphrodite and has white hairs and flower balls (unopened) should i kill the bastard or will it produce seeds and a smokable product for me? i only grew 2 plants for personal and the hem is a massive beauty. i'd hate to lose him/her.
  2. lex

    legal marjuana

    i bought a plant called lions tail and you can smoke the flowers and leaves. it gives you a 10 minute gentle body stone. its nice to mix it with the real stuff to create a fat blunt if you don't want to use tobbaco.
  3. lex

    What We Always Knew *********MUST READ **********

    the gov doesn't want marijuana to become legalized because it would become more powerful then oil as it was in the past, and then the US can't control it. hemp is the most diverse substance on the planet, let alone all the medical properties of pot.
  4. lex

    Looking for a Quick Opinion On yeilds

    great post -dank-
  5. lex

    Check this out!! first timer....

    i say it's ready depending on what kind of high you like. mostly white hairs will give you more of a clear-headed, energenic high (not lasting as long but still potent), all red hairs will glue you to the couch so you can't move your arms (high lasts long and hard) and a mix of hairs will give...
  6. lex

    Is There An Afterlife?

    we will all come to find we are one mind!
  7. lex

    I Want Your 2cents...

    k was nice too though after taking too much, it felt like what it was like to be dead and i decided i wanted to feel more alive. i just stick to red wine and pot now. i found what i had been searching for through the use of drugs. so glad to be done with it.
  8. lex

    what humidity level?

    ok, so i tried some water curing and it worked great. now i want to dry some air drying. i have a plant cut and hung in the basement where it is dark and slightly humid. is a little humidity better than too dry a space? i know air flow is good so i was thinking of adding a fan. also, i noticed...
  9. lex

    Water curing thread

    ok, water curing rocks! i must agree that it changes the smell, flavour and taste but it took one week to cure, 2 days to dry and got me so freaking high, i didn't know what hit me. thanks for the advice!
  10. lex

    pot and pregnancy

    wow, i just checked back in and found the debates whether pertaining to smoking while pregnant or otherwise, pretty entertaining and informative. i guess it came down to the fact that i used to smoke cigarettes and pot, drink daily and further back, partake in a lot of harder stuff. by the time...
  11. lex

    pot and pregnancy

    just wanted to say that i admitt to smoking pot while pregnant and my 10 month old is very happy, very healthy and bigger and more advanced than other babies. i had a lot of problems with sickness and eating, and from that stress so i started to do some research and found a lot of info on...
  12. lex

    updated pics. harvest very soon

    stubby looks ready. chot her down and try a water cure. only 7 days til clean smooth smoke.
  13. lex

    Water curing thread

    i'm trying the water cure too. tomorrow will be one week so i'll take it out to dry and let you know how it turned out.
  14. lex

    I Want Your 2cents...

    oh yeah, i've had the craziest trips with schrooms. you know when you lose your body and sense of time and you can see every side of every dimention at the same time? *shiver* those days are long gone though i still love reef. oh yeah, now i'm a mommy.
  15. lex

    So im gonna take shrooms for the first time..

    yeah, just make sure you are in surroundings with good vibes and people with good vibes because it will affect your trip. i would do a little reading on them first because they are powerful spirit guides and you must respect them. whatever happens to your mind, tell yourself they will wear off...