Recent content by lil' miss left hand side

  1. lil' miss left hand side

    George W. Bush, for prosecution!

    Mate. every thread i have seen you in you're insulting someone about something. if you want LoudBlunts to stop insulting you in return, grow up and stop provoking him. Now I live on the other side of the world to you, I have no idea what you look like, but i bet your a small if not tiny man...
  2. lil' miss left hand side

    George W. Bush, for prosecution!

    don't any of you find it ironic that a Bush supporter has the name "ZenMaster"? Try a bit less war and bit more Zen and i think you will enjoy life much more mate.
  3. lil' miss left hand side

    need to laugh

    ok so. i'm sitting around getting extremely mashed cos me and my boyfriend of 4 and a half years broke up yesterday. does anyone have some amusing or preferably extremely humorous anecdotes to share with me to help cheer me up?
  4. lil' miss left hand side

    Experts opinion is needed

    don't worry if your plant isn't getting bigger. it'll be putting all its energy into buds. good move to start flushing now i think they might be between 2 to 6 weeks away, just watch for seeds, if you find seeds forming, rip em. and when you rip em hang the whole plants upside down in a cool...
  5. lil' miss left hand side

    Your First Joint

    I was 13 with mates Alana and Michell got some bud off a mate, Alana made a bong Michell Chopped up and i got so wasted i was passing in and out of consciousness cause i was laughing so much i wasn't getting enough oxygen to my brain. never been that high again, but i try, boy do i try.........
  6. lil' miss left hand side

    Great Stoner Quotes

    the fist time i got my old bong buddy stoned she fully tripped out thinking that my room was full of tv cameras and we were on big bother. oh shit that was funny she hid under my blanket for like half and hour before the munchies drove her out. When we saw my mum she's taken one look at us and...
  7. lil' miss left hand side

    ??High Thoughts??

    seriously though, one night while really baked i had a theory that involved our gallaxy excisting in a giant fish bowl, and all the other gallaxies in the universe are in other fish bowls and the universe consists of heaps of giant alain dudes with fish bowls on their tables and the alian dudes...
  8. lil' miss left hand side

    ??High Thoughts??

    nah man haven't you read The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Gallaxy it's mice running this world mate, didn't you now our planet is a giant computer?:bigjoint:
  9. lil' miss left hand side

    Whats some of your fav bands

    love the Shins man. great when mashed.i also love Ben Harper, John Butler, Ani DiFranco. old school rythem and blues are great too, can't go wrong with Ottis Redding. regge is good sometimes i get in the mood for some aussie hip hop aswell. you seppos probably haven't heared aussie hip hop eh...
  10. lil' miss left hand side

    5 years - - Was it worth it?

    war is never won it is lost by both or all parties. its not about right and wrong its about power and money. the "right" outcome for that war or any war does not exist, only death. the only perpose war has is to attempt to controll the growth of the population so we don't overcrowd the planet...
  11. lil' miss left hand side

    Ppl At Riu, Wat Does Love Mean To You ?

    To Me Love is an unconditional caring and respect for someone or something (Although i don't recomend the something.) i don't believe that love can end. it can change state but never dissapear eg. you can love someone unfathomably until they tear your heart out of your chest and chew it up in...
  12. lil' miss left hand side

    Smell proximity

    Dude that shit is so fuckin funny :clap: :mrgreen: :lol: On a more serious note: mate if you don't listen to these peoples advice and grow in multiple plots, there is a HUGE chance of you being court and put away. also there will be a massive stink of pot around your crop, even alot of...
  13. lil' miss left hand side

    Does a pine tree have same thermal as weed?

    pot does give off alot of heat compared to other plants. it's not just the lights for indoor goods. outdoor girls will show up on inferred imaging and there's not much you can do about it; i don't know if pine trees give of similar amouts of heat to pot or not but i do know that if you keep...
  14. lil' miss left hand side

    A Basic Compost Tea Guide

    I made your fabulous tea and its working great! i do have one question, my tea is starting to go pale and it is no longer foaming on the top. i'm pretty sure this means that the micro-organisms have stopped breeding. so should i putt some more materials in it? like molasses and worm castings and...
  15. lil' miss left hand side

    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    dude man, you love being a fuckin smart ass don't ya:mrgreen:? I know there is no such thing, but dude, its good to stretch your brain with questions like this, trying to think of a plausable answer to an imposible question.:peace: