Recent content by lilpiggy89

  1. lilpiggy89

    Growing in a tree

    congrats on the awesome grow :)
  2. lilpiggy89

    She's lookin' alright

    HAHA it's cool man I hope this next month is kind to us :)
  3. lilpiggy89

    Another CFL vs HPS facts and heat temps.

    Nice little project, good work appreciate the info.
  4. lilpiggy89

    mexiblunts wild outdoors

    Wow very nice man congrats :)
  5. lilpiggy89

    booby traps for my cousin the thief

    What a shame I have an uncle that is the same way good thing he doesn't know about my little grow project, not massive or anything just one plant. I say you move them and don't let that anus breath find out where they are stashed at once you have them all nicely moved in. Good luck with the...
  6. lilpiggy89

    She's lookin' alright

    This is an update to my grow journal just wanted to let everyone see my plant. Just for a bit of background this is my very first grow just a one plant experiment that started with me knowing nothing about pot growing...well I still know nothing about potgrowing as each of you makes me see...
  7. lilpiggy89


    Very nice grow let us know how she turns out :) Good luck with the remainder of your grow and harvest
  8. lilpiggy89

    how much longer? pics

    Hope your grow goes well and turns out like CrazyChesters. Looks very nice. I live in Texas and I can't get any decent sunlight to my plant for the past 2 or 3 weeks it's been real shitty weather so she's struggling.
  9. lilpiggy89

    My outdoor plants

    Nice looking plants, I hope they do real well for you. I wish mine looked like that :)
  10. lilpiggy89

    Could be a Corsage

    Damn it I thought I had a good guy sellin' me bagseed, WOW this looks nice. Real nice, hope she does well and stays strong for you. Let us know what kind of smoke she is in the end would love to know. :)
  11. lilpiggy89

    hows she looking?

    Nice looking good luck on the rest of your grow and harvest, hope she produces some good smoke for ya :) let us know how it went.
  12. lilpiggy89

    Its Fucking Gone

    That sucks man sorry to hear about your loss, I'd be pissed. Lets hope it gives whoever took it a good bout of the shitz :D
  13. lilpiggy89

    Bagseed flower later than best bud?

    My plant is doing about the same thing the only conclusion I was able to come to after reading through here for a few days is that the genetics may just not be there. I also put a bag seed to germinate and now I'm nearly done with my first grow and totally stoked. I have had so much fun in the...
  14. lilpiggy89

    First outdoor attempt (updated pics)

    Nice lookin' plant, makes my first grow lady look like she is just wakin' up hehe :) Good luck on the grow and harvest hope she yields pleasure for you.
  15. lilpiggy89

    First Timer

    Few more pics these are from about 30 min ago or so.