Recent content by littleshroomie

  1. L

    Led Users Unite!

    this one? Stealth Grow LED - New Out Of The Box - SG 602
  2. L

    Led Users Unite!

    2x blackstar 240W (around 120-150W) goes for around 540$, which is 40more than one spectra 180W, so more coverage, slightly more or similar wattage. one thing I do like about spectra is great warranty and has proven grows. still waiting for the result of gravy and other blackstar users.
  3. L

    Led Users Unite!

    well aware it might be around 50-60% claimed wattage. however I read that the 500W is brighter than the other models so, could be rated higher (just me speculating)
  4. L

    Led Users Unite!

    Reason is price, blackstar is cheaper. 500W blackstar is for example around same price as the spectra 180W. New grow room is going to be a secret jardin DR90 tent, 90*90*180cm.
  5. L

    Led Users Unite!

    Using a 250w hps, and cant still decide if i should jump on the LED train just yet... From what i have seen, LED needs to be around 90% wattage of hid(?) to get great yield? Have been watching irish's threads thats what im basing my guesses at. I got a great deal on a digital 600w...
  6. L

    Irish Boys GLH 600w led grow

    Either CFL's or that 90W ufo you used, or a LED panel if they turn out good ;)
  7. L

    Irish Boys GLH 600w led grow

    Happy to see that the thread is up and running :) Also checking out Botanist's thread "over there" Cant wait to see the results of this mighty 600Watter, I settled for a 250W hps btw Irish and might add 2*125W CFL dual spectrums later on. Happy Growing all! And take good care of your girls...
  8. L

    LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

    sorry for asking, but where did you get the 600W panel? dutch panel?
  9. L

    White Widow Grow 7 weeks in! - 2 Big?

    read up on LST techs :) nice growing man!
  10. L

    Frist Grow with Pic's. What you THINK???

    will be following! :) also made a home-made hydro, its a DWC system but I have one 125W CFL lamp. thread tagged! :)
  11. L

    hello! did you order the LED units after all? =)

    hello! did you order the LED units after all? =)
  12. L

    Complete Aero/Hydro system?

    I agree. Founded more info about the systems here. etc But If I would be ordering online, part for part, where should I be headed? As said before a friend checked up some items around here and it sure wasn't cheap :p
  13. L

    Complete Aero/Hydro system?

    I guess no one knows of these systems, or they must be utter crap :P
  14. L

    Complete Aero/Hydro system?

    Hello all! Been reading here for some time now, and wanted to switch from soil to either Aero/Hydro. Since everything is shit expensive here in Sweden (well according to me) I searched the net for some info. Came up with these two systems: Producer 505...