Recent content by LoneGardener

  1. L

    first time grower slow growing

    stoner science. you can transplant anything. its all about not distrubing the plant when you do it. If you're gentle and do it right. no worries. if your style is more like a bull ina china shop. maybe transplanting isnt right for you. cheers
  2. L

    first time grower slow growing

    its not soil, its cocoperlite (60/40), 30% is a perfect amount of runoff. it stays wet and each feeding brings fresh oxygen into the root zone. the plants love it! cheers
  3. L

    first time grower slow growing

    these are getting fed twice daily with 100ml each time. I get about 30% runoff each time. those containers are air-pot propagators, approx 1 litre. 2 weeks in those then into 2 gallon airpots for the rest of the ride
  4. L

    first time grower slow growing

    You're only a week in, starting over in a smaller pot may seem like a waste of time but the added growth and more healthy root system will pay off sooner than you think. I'd keep those going and get some other ones started in rapid rooters, into a solo cup with cocoperlite. After a couple of...
  5. L

    first time grower slow growing

    Feed them right from day 1 and follow cocoforcannabis and you'll do just fine! These are 7 days since sprouting. Cheers
  6. L

    first time grower slow growing

    feed daily from the start. 1/4 strength go to the cocoforcannabis website for some great info on growing in cocoperlite
  7. L

    first time grow urgent feeding advise needed

    check out the info here at a website cocoforcannabis all about cocoperlite growing. that should help a bit. it did for me cheers